What is the appeal?
Forum Home > Public : General > What is the appeal? I'm just curious for everyone's opinions. What draws you to this genre? I think, as a woman, I feel drawn to this because it makes me feel vulnerable and it's sort of a curious thing to think about putting myself in these women's shoes. Just a thought.

Here's the forward to a collection of my femex stories which I still haven't gotten around to publishing. It to my mind explains the attraction to the female execution genre.
The Erotic Allure of Femex
Female execution (femex) is psycho-erotic fantasy in celebration of women. It is not focused on the destruction of women for simple titillation but on the erotic allure of lovely women facing judicial death. Although too often lumped under rubric of 'snuff' or BDSM, those aroused by femex fantasies do not hate women or wish them harm, but celebrate women as complex sexual individuals whose most alluring features are heightened by facing imminent execution.
Femex fantasies are distinguished from 'snuff' primarily in that many of the participants in executions (certainly the victim) do not seek or even want the death to go forward. This sense of forced participation heightens the pathos and tragedy of the elements which lend themselves to fantasy.
The dangerous and alluring eroticism of femex lends itself especially to story-telling, and through the years many fine tales of lovely women facing the gallows, chopping block, guillotine, rifle fire, or poison gas have appeared in various sites across the internet, under a number of pseudonyms, alias' and nom-de-gurres.
This book shares stories of classic femex, which include fantasies involving beheadings, hangings, the gas chamber (as used in the United States), the electric chair, and the firing squad. In classic femex stories women are judicially condemned (without regard to the credibility of the judicial body and the verdict) with the doomed put to death before spectators.
The Erotic Allure of Femex
Female execution (femex) is psycho-erotic fantasy in celebration of women. It is not focused on the destruction of women for simple titillation but on the erotic allure of lovely women facing judicial death. Although too often lumped under rubric of 'snuff' or BDSM, those aroused by femex fantasies do not hate women or wish them harm, but celebrate women as complex sexual individuals whose most alluring features are heightened by facing imminent execution.
Femex fantasies are distinguished from 'snuff' primarily in that many of the participants in executions (certainly the victim) do not seek or even want the death to go forward. This sense of forced participation heightens the pathos and tragedy of the elements which lend themselves to fantasy.
The dangerous and alluring eroticism of femex lends itself especially to story-telling, and through the years many fine tales of lovely women facing the gallows, chopping block, guillotine, rifle fire, or poison gas have appeared in various sites across the internet, under a number of pseudonyms, alias' and nom-de-gurres.
This book shares stories of classic femex, which include fantasies involving beheadings, hangings, the gas chamber (as used in the United States), the electric chair, and the firing squad. In classic femex stories women are judicially condemned (without regard to the credibility of the judicial body and the verdict) with the doomed put to death before spectators.

Hi everyone,
I would like to share my own take on this "fetish" (fantasy, perversion?) I tend to be aroused and disturbed by the idea of "female judicial execution", and this response is inseparably tied to other feelings and thoughts that have always troubled me. I am curious to know if this "quirk of nature" may be an aspect of a similar mental orientation in others as well. Perhaps I am the only one.
It may be strange, but everything I generally feel about women (particularly my fantasy girl who faces death penalty), is almost the exact opposite of how it may appear to "outsiders".
A beautiful female prisoner that is about to be executed (always by a method that aims at the neck) is not in any way "lesser" in my mind; her condition, any crime that she may have committed, her despair and vulnerability, and her approaching end, only intensifies her erotic and romantic appeal. Such fantasy girl is not an outlet for aggression, frustration or misogyny, she is not "my" victim. She is not an object of my cruelty, but of the cruelty of others. I don't wish to put her in that position or execute her by my own hand. In my fantasies, I am neither an executioner, nor a guard, nor a judge. Not even a passive observer in a mob. I have a "god's perspective." I watch the spectacle, and then descend from the sky to crush the oppressors and the butchers of humanity, to make example out of example-makers.
I wander if anyone else has such terribly ambivalent feelings about this fantasy. Perhaps not. But to me, it is just one side of the coin. I hate bullies. Even more, I hate the self-righteous bullies, those who believe that some weak, broken, helpless, bound person "deserves" to suffer a brutal, degrading death, to be demonstratively crushed by society before a cheering crowd. Needless to say, I don't believe that "two wrongs make right".
I often wandered if that was the subconscious reason behind the fetish, my attribution of erotic qualities to a condemned female. The history of civilization has largely been the history of crushing the individual by society. From the earliest conquests, rapes and murders done by primitive warring tribes thousands of years ago, to the massive persecutions and slaughters committed in the 20th century - it was always the same. Little people were always so weak, insignificant, impotent to protect themselves or their loved ones.
My fantasy girl is neither a monster nor an innocent damsel. She is "guilty" and she "did it", whatever "it" may be. I usually see her as a troubled, free-spirited person. Perhaps, she is a criminal, an overly adventurous, belligerent girl whom the circumstances have taught that life must be only a ruthless struggle for survival. Perhaps, she has committed a crime of passion. She may also be an idealistic rebel of some sort, a resistance fighter, or a true hero. Whatever she did, the condemned lady at the scaffold represents total helplessness of individual in relation to the system. That makes her attractive, since vulnerability adds to femininity.
A lovely girl with a noose around her neck or her head on the chopping block is my feminine ideal. In contrast to that picture - as the other side of the coin - is my masculine ideal of a terrifying monster and a perfect protector; an invulnerable being with such strength that he can wipe out armies and level cities. Someone who can turn the things around, score a point or two for the little individual. Perhaps an angry alien who has had enough of "observing without interference." This is the antithesis to reality; an immature, narcissistic, hopeless, impossible dream, and which is why I need it. I grew up on the stories about WWII, the Holocaust, the persecutions. Since I was a boy, I wished that a great power could be attained by the individual, not only by the system. I fantasized about developing a strength or a skill which would allow me to stand against the many, to strike fear in a lynch mob, defeat any barbaric horde, protect those which I love. I realized, soon enough, of course, that it was unattainable, and I think I still haven't recovered from that.
In regard to the feelings I describe, I find most fiction to be quite unsatisfying. In the typical movies and tv-shows featuring damsel in distress situations, women are too "innocent" and uninteresting, and their heroes pathetic, even cringe-worthy. Villains are far more entertaining. If Darth Vader appeared and slaughtered everyone at the scaffold where a young woman was about to hang, that would have been up to my standards.
Frustrated with most online content, I have recently made some attempts at writing short stories where I could express my own view of an ideal woman and ideal man. At this point, I have only "vomit drafts". I am not a naturally gifted writer, and it is hard to make a story in this category which does not sound lame. I have found drawing to be a better outlet, and so far I have made a few pictures of female executions. If I create enough content, I may post it on a website or a blog.
A year ago I encountered an interesting site which inspired me: http://sonofketch.blogspot.hr/ The author discusses his attraction to female executions and has written a story about historical hanging of a young woman. I haven't found a mention of it here, but is a great and realistic story, of novelette length I believe. It definitely pushed all the right "buttons" in me.
I would like to share my own take on this "fetish" (fantasy, perversion?) I tend to be aroused and disturbed by the idea of "female judicial execution", and this response is inseparably tied to other feelings and thoughts that have always troubled me. I am curious to know if this "quirk of nature" may be an aspect of a similar mental orientation in others as well. Perhaps I am the only one.
It may be strange, but everything I generally feel about women (particularly my fantasy girl who faces death penalty), is almost the exact opposite of how it may appear to "outsiders".
A beautiful female prisoner that is about to be executed (always by a method that aims at the neck) is not in any way "lesser" in my mind; her condition, any crime that she may have committed, her despair and vulnerability, and her approaching end, only intensifies her erotic and romantic appeal. Such fantasy girl is not an outlet for aggression, frustration or misogyny, she is not "my" victim. She is not an object of my cruelty, but of the cruelty of others. I don't wish to put her in that position or execute her by my own hand. In my fantasies, I am neither an executioner, nor a guard, nor a judge. Not even a passive observer in a mob. I have a "god's perspective." I watch the spectacle, and then descend from the sky to crush the oppressors and the butchers of humanity, to make example out of example-makers.
I wander if anyone else has such terribly ambivalent feelings about this fantasy. Perhaps not. But to me, it is just one side of the coin. I hate bullies. Even more, I hate the self-righteous bullies, those who believe that some weak, broken, helpless, bound person "deserves" to suffer a brutal, degrading death, to be demonstratively crushed by society before a cheering crowd. Needless to say, I don't believe that "two wrongs make right".
I often wandered if that was the subconscious reason behind the fetish, my attribution of erotic qualities to a condemned female. The history of civilization has largely been the history of crushing the individual by society. From the earliest conquests, rapes and murders done by primitive warring tribes thousands of years ago, to the massive persecutions and slaughters committed in the 20th century - it was always the same. Little people were always so weak, insignificant, impotent to protect themselves or their loved ones.
My fantasy girl is neither a monster nor an innocent damsel. She is "guilty" and she "did it", whatever "it" may be. I usually see her as a troubled, free-spirited person. Perhaps, she is a criminal, an overly adventurous, belligerent girl whom the circumstances have taught that life must be only a ruthless struggle for survival. Perhaps, she has committed a crime of passion. She may also be an idealistic rebel of some sort, a resistance fighter, or a true hero. Whatever she did, the condemned lady at the scaffold represents total helplessness of individual in relation to the system. That makes her attractive, since vulnerability adds to femininity.
A lovely girl with a noose around her neck or her head on the chopping block is my feminine ideal. In contrast to that picture - as the other side of the coin - is my masculine ideal of a terrifying monster and a perfect protector; an invulnerable being with such strength that he can wipe out armies and level cities. Someone who can turn the things around, score a point or two for the little individual. Perhaps an angry alien who has had enough of "observing without interference." This is the antithesis to reality; an immature, narcissistic, hopeless, impossible dream, and which is why I need it. I grew up on the stories about WWII, the Holocaust, the persecutions. Since I was a boy, I wished that a great power could be attained by the individual, not only by the system. I fantasized about developing a strength or a skill which would allow me to stand against the many, to strike fear in a lynch mob, defeat any barbaric horde, protect those which I love. I realized, soon enough, of course, that it was unattainable, and I think I still haven't recovered from that.
In regard to the feelings I describe, I find most fiction to be quite unsatisfying. In the typical movies and tv-shows featuring damsel in distress situations, women are too "innocent" and uninteresting, and their heroes pathetic, even cringe-worthy. Villains are far more entertaining. If Darth Vader appeared and slaughtered everyone at the scaffold where a young woman was about to hang, that would have been up to my standards.
Frustrated with most online content, I have recently made some attempts at writing short stories where I could express my own view of an ideal woman and ideal man. At this point, I have only "vomit drafts". I am not a naturally gifted writer, and it is hard to make a story in this category which does not sound lame. I have found drawing to be a better outlet, and so far I have made a few pictures of female executions. If I create enough content, I may post it on a website or a blog.
A year ago I encountered an interesting site which inspired me: http://sonofketch.blogspot.hr/ The author discusses his attraction to female executions and has written a story about historical hanging of a young woman. I haven't found a mention of it here, but is a great and realistic story, of novelette length I believe. It definitely pushed all the right "buttons" in me.

Forum > Public / General > What is the appeal?