Forum Home > Public : General > RomeThe idea for this tale came from Robert Graves "I Claudius". The use of the Carcer as the place of execution in Ancient is well described in Robert Harris's excellent historical novels about Cicero
[i] The Vestals
After the head priestess had fallen out of favour with Caligula, when the soldiers came for the Vestal Virgins, they found eight of them hanging by their necks from ropes attached to the top rail of the first floor balcony within the Temple of Isis. Once they had learned that the soldiers were on their way to arrest them, most of the Vestals had decided to take matters into their own hands, knowing the fate that awaited them if they were taken by the legionnaires.
The Centurion in charge looked up at the dangling bodies & noticed that six of the women had obviously broken necks, while their heads rested on their shoulders at awkward angles the expressions on their faces were surprisingly peaceful. However two of the younger women’s facial expressions told a different story, that of death by slow strangulation. Bloodshot bulging eyes stared out of darkened faces, tongues extended from widely gaping mouths resting on chins soaked with spittle.
The Centurion looks at his second in command, points at the two dangling strangled women, & says, “It is a pity we weren’t a bit earlier Flavius. It would have been great sport to have watched those two kick the air”. “Indeed Centurion”, the other soldier replies. The Centurion turns to his number two & orders, “At any one time there are twelve Vestals, which means that there are four left which need to be accounted for. Search the Temple”. The soldier salutes his superior, turns & barks orders to his men & the soldiers proceed to comb the Temple for the missing priestesses.
They find them hiding, cowering in the cellars beneath the Temple. These are the four youngest Vestals, none are over twenty years of age. They had found that they couldn’t bring themselves to follow the older priestesses in taking their own lives. As the Centurion looks at the lovely young, petrified girls, standing in front of him, shaking & crying he thinks, “Well this going to be fun”. He instructs his men. “Bring them”. The soldiers leave the Temple taking the terrified Vestals with them.
The next morning invited dignitaries & guests, including several noble ladies, wait for the arrival of the doomed girls within the prison’s execution chamber. The Emperor himself & his latest favourite concubine beautiful & exotic Helena, are amongst them, along with the arresting Centurion. The four Vestals are brought into the chamber. They are gorgeous in scanty short mid- thigh length white tunics which leave little to the imagination.
When they see the hole in the middle of the floor, below which is the actual place of execution, the Carcer, they scream in terror. Above the hole hangs a widely noosed rope, the other end of which is wound round a wooden winch. The Carcer used to be a well & it is twelve feet to the floor of the death chamber underneath. Below them the two executioners, the Carnifex, wait.
The first girl is brought forward by two soldiers. They pull the rope down & put it round the prisoner, placing it under her armpits. They then tie her hands behind her. She is then winched up blubbering & wailing her long brown tanned slender legs kicking furiously. The spectators are treated to an unrestricted view of the tight white loin cloth under her tunic. The soldiers then start to turn the winch slowly lowering the struggling, shrieking Vestal into the hole
As the girl begins to disappear from sight Caligula & Helena leave the upper chamber & descend the stone steps which lead to the specially designed gallery that provides a close up view of the place of execution. In excited anticipation they take their seats. The Roman tradition is that it is forbidden to execute a virgin. On the Emperor’s instructions each of the Vestals has been made to drink a large glass of the aphrodisiac satyrion to ensure that the spectacle is as pleasurable as possible. In addition to heightening sexual feelings satyrion also increases sensitivity to other sensations, including pain
By the time Caligula & Helena are seated in the viewing gallery the descending girl’s flailing feet have almost reached the floor of the execution chamber. The Carnifex stand waiting for the Vestal to complete her descent. As soon as she is on the ground they take hold of her, untie her hands & remove the rope from under her arms. Once they have done this they signal to the soldier above looking down into the hole & he pulls the rope back up. They then carry the struggling girl to a wooden table, force her to bend over it & secure her wrists to the sides of the table in the leather cuffs attached to it.
Without a word being spoken Helena stands up & kneels in front of the Emperor. She lifts his toga, unties his loin cloth & his blood engorged cock springs to attention, Helena takes it into her mouth & her highly skilled tongue begins to work it’s magic.
The executioners are also practised in the techniques of stimulating terrified condemned virgins such as the Vestals. One of the Carnifex goes & stands behind the bound girl. He gently lifts her tunic up & removes her loin cloth, revealing her deliciously quivering firm buttocks & starts to rub between her between her legs with an experienced hand.
The second Carnifex, at the other end of the table reaches down & begins to massage the Vestal’s pert breasts under her tunic. Despite her fear the girl begins to moan & wriggle her bottom, the satyrion is doing its work. After a few minutes the Vestal is fully aroused & groaning loudly, the executioner who has been rubbing her pussy takes his hand away & replaces it with his rock hard nine inch cock. He slowly slides it into the girl’s sopping, tight pussy & starts to gently fuck her. She gasps as her “Lover” enters her & starts to move her body back & forth on the table as the Carnifex’s cock rams in & out of her
Caligula can feel himself getting close, his hands rest on the sides of Helena’s head as it goes back & forwards as she sucks his cock. The tempo of both the Carnifex & the prisoner’s fucking, & Helena’s head movements gradually increase. Almost in unison, the executioner’s sperm shoots into the Vestal’s pussy, the Emperor’s seed boils from his bursting cock in Helena’s mouth, & the doomed girl’s orgasm is signified by a scream of pure pleasure. The only one of the four who doesn’t climax is the Emperor’s concubine. Helena, though highly stimulated, isn’t at that stage quite yet.
After a couple of minutes the executioners release the Vestal’s wrists from the table’s cuffs & take her off the table. They again tie her wrists behind her & carry her to one of the nooses which dangle from the four hooks in the ceiling of the death chamber. The pulses of intense pleasure that had swept through the doomed girl as she orgasmed for the first, & last, time have now receded.
She again starts to struggle, shrieking in terror & pleading for mercy. The Carnifex are well used to this type of behaviour from condemned prisoners & simply ignore it. The suspended noose is about seven feet in the air. One of the executioners places a foot stool on the ground below, & just behind the rope. He steps up on it & takes the noose in his hand. His colleague puts his strong hands under the Vestal’a armpits & lifts her up. The Carnifex on the stool puts the rope around the girl’s neck & the other executioner lets go of her.
Helena is now bent over in front of Caligula. She holds firmly onto the waist high rail at the front of the viewing gallery with both hands. The Emperor lifts her diaphanous skirt above her waist & rubs his gradually hardening cock against the outside of her naked shaved pussy lips
The girl falls a few inches until the noose arrests her fall, she tries to scream but only a quiet gurgle comes from her. Very quickly she feels her need for air growing. She stretches her legs towards the floor trying to escape from the throttling pressure of the rope around her neck. Her back arches, breasts heaving. She then begins to kick wildly, forward backwards, sideways, legs wind milling frantically, hands struggling against the bonds, trying to reach the noose choking the life from her, body writhing, anything to get a breath of air. Her tongue is forced from her gaping mouth by her desperate efforts to breathe, complexion reddening, eyes bulging, her struggles slowly reduce to a few spasmodic kicks & jerks & then to a quivering of her legs & arms. Her eyes glaze over, her red face develops a bluish cast & finally she hangs limply twitching, head slumped on her chest, swollen tongue filling the space between her lips. At last she gives a few spasmodic kicks & is still.
The Emperor begins to frantically fuck Helena as the Vestal starts to hang. Their movements mirror her struggles on the rope, Helena’s bucking & pelvic convulsions are very similar to those of the dying girl. When she dies, they come furiously.
Once he has composed himself Caligula signals to the senior executioner & orders him to tell the soldiers above to wait half an hour before sending down the next victim. In the chamber above the witnesses have listened spellbound to the noises coming from the Carcer, the ululating shrieks of terror as the Vestal was lowered, the sounds of vigorous sexual activity, the screams of the petrified young girl as she is dragged to the noose & then her gasping & gurgling as she slowly strangles to death. The three remaining Vestals have also heard it all, they shake & shiver, crying uncontrollably, pleading for mercy
After thirty minutes the second Vestal is dragged to the rope, bound & slowly lowered through the hole into the execution chamber. Her screams of terror are even louder, her struggles more violent than that of the first doomed girl. This time the Carnifex swap roles but the process & outcome is the same apart from the fact that Helena also orgasms as well as the Emperor, the Carnifex fucking the condemned girl & the prisoner herself. After ten minutes or so the second Vestal also dangles lifelessly from a rope on a hook in the ceiling of the Carcer next to the other priestess.
Again the Emperor instructs the senior executioner & the soldiers to wait half an hour before sending down the next victims. These are the ones Caligula & Helena have been especially looking forward to. Under interrogation it had emerged that one of the two remaining Vestals was originally from the Greek island of Lesbos, & would be unlikely to provide a stimulating spectacle as she was fucked, despite the Carnifex’s huge cock & the satyrion. Once they had been appraised of this the Emperor & his concubine had agreed on a plan to deal with the situation.
This time the two remaining Vestals, wailing piteously & resisting fiercely descend into the Carcer quickly one after the other. The Greek girl arrives in the executioners’ arms first. Like the first two Vestals she is secured to the table by the two Carnifex. This time Helena leaves the viewing gallery & goes & stands behind the secured writhing girl. She looks up & watches the fourth Vestal come down, She relishes the view up the short white tunic as the lips of the Vestal’s pussy are clearly outlined against the fabric of her tight white loin cloth.
Once they have possession of the last girl the executioners drag her to a second table which sits in front of the other one & force her down onto it bending over from the waist & secure it to it by her wrists. Caligula walks from the spectator area & places himself behind the second prostrate Vestal’s wriggling buttocks. He looks at his favourite concubine & they exchange wicked smiles.
Helena pushes her Vestal’s tunic gently up over her hips & then slides the girl’s loin cloth to one side. She lifts her own skirt up & slips the fingers of her other hand into her pussy. She begins to fuck the Vestal with her fingers & to play with herself, her thumb gently massaging her clitoris. Though terrified the girl groans as the attentions of the concubines experienced fingers begin to take effect. Helena herself is breathing more heavily. The Emperor waits until Helena starts “Making love” to the Vestal, letting the scene in front of him have the desired effect. His erection begins to slowly but surely return. Once his cock is hard he roughly pushes his Vestal’s short tunic up out of the way, rips off her loin cloth & thrusts his cock deep inside the girl & starts to frantically fuck her. He grunts as he thrusts. The Carnifex look on impassively, though their cocks are also hard & throbbing
The witnesses above smile knowingly at each as they listen to the debauched sounds coming up through the hole from the Carcer below. The Centurion who brought the Vestals from the Temple of Isis to the prison thinks to himself, “As soon as I am out of here I am going straight to the nearest brothel to fuck some whore’s brains out”. Semen is oozing from the tip of his blood engorged cock. Messalina, one of the high born women standing close to him glances at his groin & sees the unmistakeable evidence of the Centurion’s arousal pushing against the skirt of his tunic underneath the hanging leather strips of his uniform. The loin cloth under her robe, already moist, dampens even more
In the execution chamber things are very close to the climax, in every sense of the word. Helena’s “Partner” is the first to get there. Her entire body tenses & spasms as she comes, her loud groans clearly audible to those above. The sights & sounds coming from the other table make the Emperor shoot his seed into his girl, His Vestal in turn orgasms & screams in delight as she feels the Emperor’s juices pour into her pussy. The concubine closes her eyes & moans, as she too experiences a very satisfying climax
The Imperial couple, after a minute or two, adjust their clothes & return to the viewing gallery to await the finale. Caligula signals to the executioners to wait & leans across to Helena & whispers in her ear, “That was magnificent my love. I am truly spent. I don’t think I have it in me to go again. Why don’t you go back upstairs & ask the Centurion who brought the Vestals here to join us. I think that you will find that the Lady Messalina would also be only too happy to accompany him”.
And so as instructed the concubine climbs back up the stairs to the upper chamber, walks over to the Centurion & whispers to him, he smiles delightedly, she then moves to Messalina & she too grins in delight. They both leave the chamber & descend the stairs to the Carcer following Helena to the viewing gallery at the side of the execution chamber. When they get there the officer stands in front of the Emperor, salutes & says, “Hail Ceasar!”. Messalina bows to Caligula
The Emperor, sipping from a glass of wine poured from a carafe that had been placed in the viewing gallery previously says, “Welcome both. I thought you might enjoy the end of our little show. The Lady Helena & I are both exhausted & the final executions would, to be honest, slightly wasted on us. I thought I would invite two loyal & good servants of Rome to enjoy the end of these proceedings with us. Please feel free to do as you please”. Together they reply, “Thank you Ceasar”. They take the two remaining seats in the viewing gallery & lick their lips in anticipation.
The Carnifex release one of the Vestals from her table, who happens to be the Greek girl, tie her hands behind her back & drag her to the third dangling noosed rope. Her shrieks of terror echo round the Carcer as she frantically struggles against the iron grip of the executioner. In less than a minute she starts her final vigorous dance
On the advice of Helena, to ensure that they both have an unrestricted view of the hanging, Messalina is prostrate bent over from the waist in front of the Centurion, hanging onto the rail in front of her, her wriggling bottom just in front of the soldiers crotch . The Centurion raises her robe above her waist, she is naked underneath. He pulls his tunic up, unties his loin cloth & easily slides his large erection inside the noble woman’s pussy which glistens with her juices. They start to fuck, their movements in time with the heaving, convulsing, kicking, dying girl on the rope directly in front of them. As the Vestal enters the final spasms of her death throes the Centurion can hold back no longer, his spunk fires into Messalina & she tenses as she comes. Her cry of delight is almost as loud as the screams of terror of the doomed girls. A third dead Vestal sways on a rope, her once lovely face distorted by the agony of her passing
The remaining girl, still tied to the table, faints. However there is no escape from her nightmare, one of the executioners brings her round with smelling salts. She is quickly released from the table by the Carnifex, pulled to her feet, & half carried to the remaining empty noose.
In the viewing gallery Caligula & the Centurion gently play with their now flaccid cocks through their tunics. Helena & the Lady Messalina lift their skirts & start to rub their clitorises with one hand while slowly fucking themselves with the fingers of the other.
The last condemned girl appears to be almost comatose until she feels her full weight supported only by the noose around her neck. Her eyes open wide, she gasps, starts to struggle, convulse & gyrate, just like the three other Vestals.
The Centurion’s cock hardens quickly, unlike the satiated Caligula. Likewise Messalina’s pussy is soon oozing with her liquids while Helena just continues to slowly stimulate her gradually moistening pussy in a pleasurable manner.
The Centurion & Messalina manage to delay their rapidly approaching climaxes by reducing the tempo of their masturbation. When the dying girl. swinging on the rope, movements are no more than reflexive twitches of her feet, the noble woman gets up from her seat, goes to the soldier, lifts up her skirt, reaches under the man’s tunic, takes hold of his raging cock, sits on his lap legs astride & places his erect member inside her soaking pussy. The hold each other tightly as they start to fuck.
The Emperor & Helena look on in an amused, indulgent manner. It isn’t long until the soldier’s seed shoots from his rock like cock inside Messalina’s soaking pussy. The Centurion grunts as he comes, & for the second time the noble lady’s loud shriek of orgasmic delight is heard in the death chamber, & above.
After a couple of minutes, the two couples leave the Carcer without a backward glance at the four dead girls dangling from the ropes whose bulging, bloodshot eyes stare out at nothingness from swollen, almost purple faces. The Carnifex take a break for some wine & food, after which they will dispose of the Vestals’ bodies in the usual manner by dumping them in the fast flowing river Tiber
[ii] Messalina & the Bacchantes
Two years have passed, Caligula is dead, assassinated by members of the Praetorian Guard paid by members of the senate to remove the deranged Emperor before he had a chance to massacre anymore members of the Roman Aristocracy.
His favourite concubine Helena met her end on her second & final visit to the Carcer. Claudius, the new Emperor, & his wife, the now Empress Messalina, stood in the upper chamber & watched as Helena was slowly lowered through the hole to the waiting Carnifex below.
The concubine had struggled mightily & pleaded desperately to Messalina to intercede with her husband on her behalf. Messalina’s only reaction was to stare back at her, lick her lips & press her upper thighs together under her silk robe as she felt the growing wetness in the cotch of her underwear . The Empress had closed her eyes & clenched her fists as she listened to the sounds coming up through the hole leading to the Carcer picturing in her mind what was taking place in the execution chamber below. She had wanted to go down to the viewing gallery but Claudius had forbidden it on the grounds that under his reign that kind of depraved morbid voyeurism would be forbidden.
When the execution was over the Imperial couple returned to their palace, & using a fake headache as an excuse Messalina had retired to her quarters. Waiting for her there was her personal bodyguard, & lover, the Centurion. After instructing her other guards not on any account to allow anyone else into her rooms she went to her lover, who quickly managed to satisfy the lust raging in her, brought on by Helena’s execution
Another year goes by & Claudius has just returned to Rome from a three month trip visiting the Legions engaged in crushing a barbarian revolt in what is now Germany.
At his first meeting with his closest friends & advisors he is appalled to learn of his wife’s serial adultery & general depravity, which apparently had started as soon as he had left the capital. In the past there had been rumours surrounding Messalina, but the trusting Emperor had ignored them as plebeian tittle tattle. This time the evidence he is confronted with describing his wife’s behaviour is damning & incontrovertible. He issues the inevitable orders
The Empress is by now so brazen in her nymphomanical conduct, despite the return of her husband, that when the soldiers arrive at her private villa in the hills above Rome, & force their way into her rooms they find Messalina in bed with the Centurion & one of her personal servants. Because of their lewd & libidinous behaviour these young women & girls were nicknamed “The Bacchantes”, after the Roman God of pleasure & general carousing, Bacchus.
The Empress realises why the soldiers are here & despite her growing fear initially imperiously demands that they leave her private quarters immediately. The legionnaires stand in silence & stare impassively at Messalina. The Empress then demands that she be taken to her husband to explain the situation. The soldiers continue to just stand & stare at her. Her terror growing, Messalina’s demands, become requests & then desperate pleas. Without a word being spoken, the soldiers go to the bed & drag the Centurion & the Bacchante from the bed. Resigned to his fate, the soldier doesn’t resist. The servant girl struggles & screams as the soldiers pull her to her feet.
As a recognition of his service to the Empire, & being all too aware that the Centurion has been little more than a catspaw in thrall to his wife, Claudius had instructed the soldiers to give him a quick death. The legionnaires bind their former comrade’s hands, take him from the bedroom, to the room next door & make him kneel. A soldier takes hold of his hair lifting his head up straight extending his neck, the Centurion closes his eyes & another legionnaire beheads him with one blow of his sword.
The Empress & the Bacchante cry in horror as the soldier returns to the bedroom carrying the Centurion’s severed head still holding it by the hair. Blood drips from the neck onto the white marble bedroom floor. The soldiers order Messalina & the servant to get dressed. They marvel at how one so beautiful & still only twenty five years of age, could be as depraved as Messalina. The Empresses short black curly hair sits on top of a now terror stricken pure white delicate face, out of which large petrified green eyes stare at the soldiers. Though she isn’t very tall she has lovely skin & a perfect figure, pert firm breasts stand out above a slim tapered waist above womanly hips & slender toned legs.
She ties a white loin cloth covering her shaved nether regions & dons a short purple tunic. The servant girl is only nineteen & like all of the Bacchantes is breathtakingly lovely. She is a brown skinned Tamil Indian from the east. Her hair too is short black & curly & it hugs her head tightly. The servant girl weeps & shakes in fear as she pulls on her white loin cloth & a pink tunic which is even briefer than Messalina’s. As they watch the young women dress several of the soldiers can feel themselves getting hard.
The soldiers lead the Empress & the Bacchante out into the small courtyard in the middle of the villa. They watch in horror as the soldiers firmly place two six foot poles in the ground. As she realises how she is going to be executed the Empress too breaks down sobbing & pleading for mercy.
The soldiers march the two women to the poles & place each of them in front them, facing each other. They pull their hands behind the wooden stakes & tie their wrists together & wrap soft leather thongs round their lovely trembling necks tieing them off firmly behind the poles. They place wooden sticks between the hard wooden columns & the soft leather at the back of each pole.
The Emperor had instructed that Messalina be executed by strangulation, his last words being, “Take your time about it”. The officer in charge of the soldiers is sure that Claudius will be pleased when he learns of the unexpected bonus opportunity the presence of the Bacchante has provided
A soldier stands behind each pole & takes the sticks in both hands. Messalina gasps as she feels the leather tighten round her neck as the soldier gradually twists the stick pulling the thong tighter against the flesh of her throat. Once it is at the stage where the Empress is beginning to have difficulty breathing he stops turning the stick & waits. The Bacchante is to be garrotted first as Messalina is forced to watch, the leather constricting her neck, in terrified contemplation of her fate, waiting for the thong to slowly remorselessly tighten & strangles her.
The soldier behind the servant girl gives his stick a slow half twist, her brown eyes open wide as she feels the increased pressure on her neck. He continues gradually to turn the stick & the Tamil girl begins to pant & gasp for air. The Bacchante arches her back, pushing out her the shapely breasts against the pink top of her tunic & starts to kick, the pumping of her firm brown thighs exposing the white loin cloth underneath the short pink tunic. Her head moves from side to side, face darkening, eyes beginning to bulge, tongue slowly emerging from her widening mouth. The soldier stops twisting the stick, prolonging the Bacchante’s suffering.
The Empress looks on in terror at the agony the girl is being put through, knowing that she will be next. The leather noose prevents her from crying out, All she can do is gasp & whimper her pleas for mercy.
After, what seems to Messalina a very short time, but to the servant girl must have felt like an eternity, the officer nods to the soldier & he gives the stick a final hard turn. The Bacchante’s muscles suddenly tense, her entire body shudders & she dies
The Empress stares in petrified horror at the almost black, puffed & swollen face of the once beautiful Indian girl. The Bacchante’s protruding blood shot eyes appear to Messalina to still be desperately beseeching, someone anyone, to put an end to her agony
The officer nods to the soldier standing behind the Empress & he starts to slowly twist his stick. He ensures that Messalina takes twice as long to die as her servant. Finally the Empresses dead body sags against the pole, her once lovely white face is now purple, her exquisite features horribly distorted by the effects of the very slow & agonising garrotting
The soldiers leave the villa taking Messalina, the Centurion & the Bacchante’s remains with them. When they reach the banks of the Tiber, they stop & one of them cuts off the former Empress’s head & puts it in a sack. The remainder of the bodies they throw in to the river. They then continue their descent down to Rome carrying with them the grisly evidence of Messalina’s execution
Claudius looks impassively at his former wife’s head when it is held up by the hair before him & nods in satisfaction as the soldiers recount the full lurid details of her execution. The Emperor looks at the head of his Praetorian Guards & asks. “What of the other Bacchantes?”.The soldier replies. “We have them in custody Ceasar”. Claudius muses a moment & then orders what is to be done with them. He finishes by quoting Ulysses’s speech in the Odyssey when he took vengeance on Penelope’s wicked maidservants;
Then thus the prince: “To these shall we afford
A fate so pure as by the martial sword?
To these the nightly prostitutes to shame
And base revilers of our house & name
The next morning the remaining twelve Baccahantes are taken from their cells, hands tied behind them, & led out to the prison yard. Though somewhat dishevelled the young women are still delicious to look at, their brief tunics barely concealing their firm lithe young bodies. They start to shriek & wail when they see what is before them. The Emperor had ordered that a huge ship’s cable be pulled taut between the walls of the prison & twelve noosed ropes dangle from it.
On the ground below stands a two foot high long wooden bench which stretches out below all of the twelve ropes. The two masked Carnifex whose grisly business is normally carried out in the depths of the Carcer stand arms folded, coolly assessing their latest batch of victims. The prison guards, two to each Bacchante, force them up on to the wooden bench, & one of the executioners, using a set of steps, works his way down behind the line of sobbing, shaking girls & places the nooses round their necks, ensuring in each case that the ropes are pulled tight to the skin. Once all is ready the guards withdraw & the Carnifex move to either end of the long wooden bench.
On cue Claudius, his small retinue of advisors & four Praetorian guards emerge from a door in the prison wall. The Emperor notes with approval that his instructions have been followed to the letter. He looks at the Carnifex & drops his hand, the executioners kick away the wooden bench & the nooses snap even tighter around the young women’s necks. They gasp & begin to struggle, kicking out forward & backwards. Some Bacchantes try to free their hands to loosen the killing ropes around their necks but the bonds are too tight. They start to dance, first reaching down with one leg but not finding any support, then the other, again & again, hips bucking, backs arching. As the air in the Bacchantes lungs grows stale, they begin to thrash about wildly, kicking out in all directions, sometimes hitting each other’s legs. One of the girl’s accidentally discovers that she can get a moment’s respite by pulling her legs up to her chest, totally exposing the hairless shaved pussy beneath her brief tunic, & thrusting down hard. This propels her body into the air & she is able to snatch a quick breath, but when she falls back down she jerks the rope even tighter around her own neck, & also the necks of the other Bacchantes.
Two of the other girls try to copy her & two more shaved pussies are clearly displayed. It is a doomed struggle. It takes more energy than the poor girls have to keep up for very long & the effort required even more air, so they got further & further behind in their efforts to breathe. Soon all of the girls struggling grows slower & gradually reduces to a sort of trembling motion of their limbs, feeble twitches & spasmodic fluttering of their feet. A minute later they all hang limp, glazed eyes stare sightlessly out from crimson red faces which grow slowly purple, tongues protrude slightly from some mouths & from some others they loll out up to a good couple of inches.
Having had the Bacchantes strung up twelve in a row in truly Homeric fashion Claudius quotes once more from the Odyssey
“They twitched their feet awhile, but not for long”
[i] The Vestals
After the head priestess had fallen out of favour with Caligula, when the soldiers came for the Vestal Virgins, they found eight of them hanging by their necks from ropes attached to the top rail of the first floor balcony within the Temple of Isis. Once they had learned that the soldiers were on their way to arrest them, most of the Vestals had decided to take matters into their own hands, knowing the fate that awaited them if they were taken by the legionnaires.
The Centurion in charge looked up at the dangling bodies & noticed that six of the women had obviously broken necks, while their heads rested on their shoulders at awkward angles the expressions on their faces were surprisingly peaceful. However two of the younger women’s facial expressions told a different story, that of death by slow strangulation. Bloodshot bulging eyes stared out of darkened faces, tongues extended from widely gaping mouths resting on chins soaked with spittle.
The Centurion looks at his second in command, points at the two dangling strangled women, & says, “It is a pity we weren’t a bit earlier Flavius. It would have been great sport to have watched those two kick the air”. “Indeed Centurion”, the other soldier replies. The Centurion turns to his number two & orders, “At any one time there are twelve Vestals, which means that there are four left which need to be accounted for. Search the Temple”. The soldier salutes his superior, turns & barks orders to his men & the soldiers proceed to comb the Temple for the missing priestesses.
They find them hiding, cowering in the cellars beneath the Temple. These are the four youngest Vestals, none are over twenty years of age. They had found that they couldn’t bring themselves to follow the older priestesses in taking their own lives. As the Centurion looks at the lovely young, petrified girls, standing in front of him, shaking & crying he thinks, “Well this going to be fun”. He instructs his men. “Bring them”. The soldiers leave the Temple taking the terrified Vestals with them.
The next morning invited dignitaries & guests, including several noble ladies, wait for the arrival of the doomed girls within the prison’s execution chamber. The Emperor himself & his latest favourite concubine beautiful & exotic Helena, are amongst them, along with the arresting Centurion. The four Vestals are brought into the chamber. They are gorgeous in scanty short mid- thigh length white tunics which leave little to the imagination.
When they see the hole in the middle of the floor, below which is the actual place of execution, the Carcer, they scream in terror. Above the hole hangs a widely noosed rope, the other end of which is wound round a wooden winch. The Carcer used to be a well & it is twelve feet to the floor of the death chamber underneath. Below them the two executioners, the Carnifex, wait.
The first girl is brought forward by two soldiers. They pull the rope down & put it round the prisoner, placing it under her armpits. They then tie her hands behind her. She is then winched up blubbering & wailing her long brown tanned slender legs kicking furiously. The spectators are treated to an unrestricted view of the tight white loin cloth under her tunic. The soldiers then start to turn the winch slowly lowering the struggling, shrieking Vestal into the hole
As the girl begins to disappear from sight Caligula & Helena leave the upper chamber & descend the stone steps which lead to the specially designed gallery that provides a close up view of the place of execution. In excited anticipation they take their seats. The Roman tradition is that it is forbidden to execute a virgin. On the Emperor’s instructions each of the Vestals has been made to drink a large glass of the aphrodisiac satyrion to ensure that the spectacle is as pleasurable as possible. In addition to heightening sexual feelings satyrion also increases sensitivity to other sensations, including pain
By the time Caligula & Helena are seated in the viewing gallery the descending girl’s flailing feet have almost reached the floor of the execution chamber. The Carnifex stand waiting for the Vestal to complete her descent. As soon as she is on the ground they take hold of her, untie her hands & remove the rope from under her arms. Once they have done this they signal to the soldier above looking down into the hole & he pulls the rope back up. They then carry the struggling girl to a wooden table, force her to bend over it & secure her wrists to the sides of the table in the leather cuffs attached to it.
Without a word being spoken Helena stands up & kneels in front of the Emperor. She lifts his toga, unties his loin cloth & his blood engorged cock springs to attention, Helena takes it into her mouth & her highly skilled tongue begins to work it’s magic.
The executioners are also practised in the techniques of stimulating terrified condemned virgins such as the Vestals. One of the Carnifex goes & stands behind the bound girl. He gently lifts her tunic up & removes her loin cloth, revealing her deliciously quivering firm buttocks & starts to rub between her between her legs with an experienced hand.
The second Carnifex, at the other end of the table reaches down & begins to massage the Vestal’s pert breasts under her tunic. Despite her fear the girl begins to moan & wriggle her bottom, the satyrion is doing its work. After a few minutes the Vestal is fully aroused & groaning loudly, the executioner who has been rubbing her pussy takes his hand away & replaces it with his rock hard nine inch cock. He slowly slides it into the girl’s sopping, tight pussy & starts to gently fuck her. She gasps as her “Lover” enters her & starts to move her body back & forth on the table as the Carnifex’s cock rams in & out of her
Caligula can feel himself getting close, his hands rest on the sides of Helena’s head as it goes back & forwards as she sucks his cock. The tempo of both the Carnifex & the prisoner’s fucking, & Helena’s head movements gradually increase. Almost in unison, the executioner’s sperm shoots into the Vestal’s pussy, the Emperor’s seed boils from his bursting cock in Helena’s mouth, & the doomed girl’s orgasm is signified by a scream of pure pleasure. The only one of the four who doesn’t climax is the Emperor’s concubine. Helena, though highly stimulated, isn’t at that stage quite yet.
After a couple of minutes the executioners release the Vestal’s wrists from the table’s cuffs & take her off the table. They again tie her wrists behind her & carry her to one of the nooses which dangle from the four hooks in the ceiling of the death chamber. The pulses of intense pleasure that had swept through the doomed girl as she orgasmed for the first, & last, time have now receded.
She again starts to struggle, shrieking in terror & pleading for mercy. The Carnifex are well used to this type of behaviour from condemned prisoners & simply ignore it. The suspended noose is about seven feet in the air. One of the executioners places a foot stool on the ground below, & just behind the rope. He steps up on it & takes the noose in his hand. His colleague puts his strong hands under the Vestal’a armpits & lifts her up. The Carnifex on the stool puts the rope around the girl’s neck & the other executioner lets go of her.
Helena is now bent over in front of Caligula. She holds firmly onto the waist high rail at the front of the viewing gallery with both hands. The Emperor lifts her diaphanous skirt above her waist & rubs his gradually hardening cock against the outside of her naked shaved pussy lips
The girl falls a few inches until the noose arrests her fall, she tries to scream but only a quiet gurgle comes from her. Very quickly she feels her need for air growing. She stretches her legs towards the floor trying to escape from the throttling pressure of the rope around her neck. Her back arches, breasts heaving. She then begins to kick wildly, forward backwards, sideways, legs wind milling frantically, hands struggling against the bonds, trying to reach the noose choking the life from her, body writhing, anything to get a breath of air. Her tongue is forced from her gaping mouth by her desperate efforts to breathe, complexion reddening, eyes bulging, her struggles slowly reduce to a few spasmodic kicks & jerks & then to a quivering of her legs & arms. Her eyes glaze over, her red face develops a bluish cast & finally she hangs limply twitching, head slumped on her chest, swollen tongue filling the space between her lips. At last she gives a few spasmodic kicks & is still.
The Emperor begins to frantically fuck Helena as the Vestal starts to hang. Their movements mirror her struggles on the rope, Helena’s bucking & pelvic convulsions are very similar to those of the dying girl. When she dies, they come furiously.
Once he has composed himself Caligula signals to the senior executioner & orders him to tell the soldiers above to wait half an hour before sending down the next victim. In the chamber above the witnesses have listened spellbound to the noises coming from the Carcer, the ululating shrieks of terror as the Vestal was lowered, the sounds of vigorous sexual activity, the screams of the petrified young girl as she is dragged to the noose & then her gasping & gurgling as she slowly strangles to death. The three remaining Vestals have also heard it all, they shake & shiver, crying uncontrollably, pleading for mercy
After thirty minutes the second Vestal is dragged to the rope, bound & slowly lowered through the hole into the execution chamber. Her screams of terror are even louder, her struggles more violent than that of the first doomed girl. This time the Carnifex swap roles but the process & outcome is the same apart from the fact that Helena also orgasms as well as the Emperor, the Carnifex fucking the condemned girl & the prisoner herself. After ten minutes or so the second Vestal also dangles lifelessly from a rope on a hook in the ceiling of the Carcer next to the other priestess.
Again the Emperor instructs the senior executioner & the soldiers to wait half an hour before sending down the next victims. These are the ones Caligula & Helena have been especially looking forward to. Under interrogation it had emerged that one of the two remaining Vestals was originally from the Greek island of Lesbos, & would be unlikely to provide a stimulating spectacle as she was fucked, despite the Carnifex’s huge cock & the satyrion. Once they had been appraised of this the Emperor & his concubine had agreed on a plan to deal with the situation.
This time the two remaining Vestals, wailing piteously & resisting fiercely descend into the Carcer quickly one after the other. The Greek girl arrives in the executioners’ arms first. Like the first two Vestals she is secured to the table by the two Carnifex. This time Helena leaves the viewing gallery & goes & stands behind the secured writhing girl. She looks up & watches the fourth Vestal come down, She relishes the view up the short white tunic as the lips of the Vestal’s pussy are clearly outlined against the fabric of her tight white loin cloth.
Once they have possession of the last girl the executioners drag her to a second table which sits in front of the other one & force her down onto it bending over from the waist & secure it to it by her wrists. Caligula walks from the spectator area & places himself behind the second prostrate Vestal’s wriggling buttocks. He looks at his favourite concubine & they exchange wicked smiles.
Helena pushes her Vestal’s tunic gently up over her hips & then slides the girl’s loin cloth to one side. She lifts her own skirt up & slips the fingers of her other hand into her pussy. She begins to fuck the Vestal with her fingers & to play with herself, her thumb gently massaging her clitoris. Though terrified the girl groans as the attentions of the concubines experienced fingers begin to take effect. Helena herself is breathing more heavily. The Emperor waits until Helena starts “Making love” to the Vestal, letting the scene in front of him have the desired effect. His erection begins to slowly but surely return. Once his cock is hard he roughly pushes his Vestal’s short tunic up out of the way, rips off her loin cloth & thrusts his cock deep inside the girl & starts to frantically fuck her. He grunts as he thrusts. The Carnifex look on impassively, though their cocks are also hard & throbbing
The witnesses above smile knowingly at each as they listen to the debauched sounds coming up through the hole from the Carcer below. The Centurion who brought the Vestals from the Temple of Isis to the prison thinks to himself, “As soon as I am out of here I am going straight to the nearest brothel to fuck some whore’s brains out”. Semen is oozing from the tip of his blood engorged cock. Messalina, one of the high born women standing close to him glances at his groin & sees the unmistakeable evidence of the Centurion’s arousal pushing against the skirt of his tunic underneath the hanging leather strips of his uniform. The loin cloth under her robe, already moist, dampens even more
In the execution chamber things are very close to the climax, in every sense of the word. Helena’s “Partner” is the first to get there. Her entire body tenses & spasms as she comes, her loud groans clearly audible to those above. The sights & sounds coming from the other table make the Emperor shoot his seed into his girl, His Vestal in turn orgasms & screams in delight as she feels the Emperor’s juices pour into her pussy. The concubine closes her eyes & moans, as she too experiences a very satisfying climax
The Imperial couple, after a minute or two, adjust their clothes & return to the viewing gallery to await the finale. Caligula signals to the executioners to wait & leans across to Helena & whispers in her ear, “That was magnificent my love. I am truly spent. I don’t think I have it in me to go again. Why don’t you go back upstairs & ask the Centurion who brought the Vestals here to join us. I think that you will find that the Lady Messalina would also be only too happy to accompany him”.
And so as instructed the concubine climbs back up the stairs to the upper chamber, walks over to the Centurion & whispers to him, he smiles delightedly, she then moves to Messalina & she too grins in delight. They both leave the chamber & descend the stairs to the Carcer following Helena to the viewing gallery at the side of the execution chamber. When they get there the officer stands in front of the Emperor, salutes & says, “Hail Ceasar!”. Messalina bows to Caligula
The Emperor, sipping from a glass of wine poured from a carafe that had been placed in the viewing gallery previously says, “Welcome both. I thought you might enjoy the end of our little show. The Lady Helena & I are both exhausted & the final executions would, to be honest, slightly wasted on us. I thought I would invite two loyal & good servants of Rome to enjoy the end of these proceedings with us. Please feel free to do as you please”. Together they reply, “Thank you Ceasar”. They take the two remaining seats in the viewing gallery & lick their lips in anticipation.
The Carnifex release one of the Vestals from her table, who happens to be the Greek girl, tie her hands behind her back & drag her to the third dangling noosed rope. Her shrieks of terror echo round the Carcer as she frantically struggles against the iron grip of the executioner. In less than a minute she starts her final vigorous dance
On the advice of Helena, to ensure that they both have an unrestricted view of the hanging, Messalina is prostrate bent over from the waist in front of the Centurion, hanging onto the rail in front of her, her wriggling bottom just in front of the soldiers crotch . The Centurion raises her robe above her waist, she is naked underneath. He pulls his tunic up, unties his loin cloth & easily slides his large erection inside the noble woman’s pussy which glistens with her juices. They start to fuck, their movements in time with the heaving, convulsing, kicking, dying girl on the rope directly in front of them. As the Vestal enters the final spasms of her death throes the Centurion can hold back no longer, his spunk fires into Messalina & she tenses as she comes. Her cry of delight is almost as loud as the screams of terror of the doomed girls. A third dead Vestal sways on a rope, her once lovely face distorted by the agony of her passing
The remaining girl, still tied to the table, faints. However there is no escape from her nightmare, one of the executioners brings her round with smelling salts. She is quickly released from the table by the Carnifex, pulled to her feet, & half carried to the remaining empty noose.
In the viewing gallery Caligula & the Centurion gently play with their now flaccid cocks through their tunics. Helena & the Lady Messalina lift their skirts & start to rub their clitorises with one hand while slowly fucking themselves with the fingers of the other.
The last condemned girl appears to be almost comatose until she feels her full weight supported only by the noose around her neck. Her eyes open wide, she gasps, starts to struggle, convulse & gyrate, just like the three other Vestals.
The Centurion’s cock hardens quickly, unlike the satiated Caligula. Likewise Messalina’s pussy is soon oozing with her liquids while Helena just continues to slowly stimulate her gradually moistening pussy in a pleasurable manner.
The Centurion & Messalina manage to delay their rapidly approaching climaxes by reducing the tempo of their masturbation. When the dying girl. swinging on the rope, movements are no more than reflexive twitches of her feet, the noble woman gets up from her seat, goes to the soldier, lifts up her skirt, reaches under the man’s tunic, takes hold of his raging cock, sits on his lap legs astride & places his erect member inside her soaking pussy. The hold each other tightly as they start to fuck.
The Emperor & Helena look on in an amused, indulgent manner. It isn’t long until the soldier’s seed shoots from his rock like cock inside Messalina’s soaking pussy. The Centurion grunts as he comes, & for the second time the noble lady’s loud shriek of orgasmic delight is heard in the death chamber, & above.
After a couple of minutes, the two couples leave the Carcer without a backward glance at the four dead girls dangling from the ropes whose bulging, bloodshot eyes stare out at nothingness from swollen, almost purple faces. The Carnifex take a break for some wine & food, after which they will dispose of the Vestals’ bodies in the usual manner by dumping them in the fast flowing river Tiber
[ii] Messalina & the Bacchantes
Two years have passed, Caligula is dead, assassinated by members of the Praetorian Guard paid by members of the senate to remove the deranged Emperor before he had a chance to massacre anymore members of the Roman Aristocracy.
His favourite concubine Helena met her end on her second & final visit to the Carcer. Claudius, the new Emperor, & his wife, the now Empress Messalina, stood in the upper chamber & watched as Helena was slowly lowered through the hole to the waiting Carnifex below.
The concubine had struggled mightily & pleaded desperately to Messalina to intercede with her husband on her behalf. Messalina’s only reaction was to stare back at her, lick her lips & press her upper thighs together under her silk robe as she felt the growing wetness in the cotch of her underwear . The Empress had closed her eyes & clenched her fists as she listened to the sounds coming up through the hole leading to the Carcer picturing in her mind what was taking place in the execution chamber below. She had wanted to go down to the viewing gallery but Claudius had forbidden it on the grounds that under his reign that kind of depraved morbid voyeurism would be forbidden.
When the execution was over the Imperial couple returned to their palace, & using a fake headache as an excuse Messalina had retired to her quarters. Waiting for her there was her personal bodyguard, & lover, the Centurion. After instructing her other guards not on any account to allow anyone else into her rooms she went to her lover, who quickly managed to satisfy the lust raging in her, brought on by Helena’s execution
Another year goes by & Claudius has just returned to Rome from a three month trip visiting the Legions engaged in crushing a barbarian revolt in what is now Germany.
At his first meeting with his closest friends & advisors he is appalled to learn of his wife’s serial adultery & general depravity, which apparently had started as soon as he had left the capital. In the past there had been rumours surrounding Messalina, but the trusting Emperor had ignored them as plebeian tittle tattle. This time the evidence he is confronted with describing his wife’s behaviour is damning & incontrovertible. He issues the inevitable orders
The Empress is by now so brazen in her nymphomanical conduct, despite the return of her husband, that when the soldiers arrive at her private villa in the hills above Rome, & force their way into her rooms they find Messalina in bed with the Centurion & one of her personal servants. Because of their lewd & libidinous behaviour these young women & girls were nicknamed “The Bacchantes”, after the Roman God of pleasure & general carousing, Bacchus.
The Empress realises why the soldiers are here & despite her growing fear initially imperiously demands that they leave her private quarters immediately. The legionnaires stand in silence & stare impassively at Messalina. The Empress then demands that she be taken to her husband to explain the situation. The soldiers continue to just stand & stare at her. Her terror growing, Messalina’s demands, become requests & then desperate pleas. Without a word being spoken, the soldiers go to the bed & drag the Centurion & the Bacchante from the bed. Resigned to his fate, the soldier doesn’t resist. The servant girl struggles & screams as the soldiers pull her to her feet.
As a recognition of his service to the Empire, & being all too aware that the Centurion has been little more than a catspaw in thrall to his wife, Claudius had instructed the soldiers to give him a quick death. The legionnaires bind their former comrade’s hands, take him from the bedroom, to the room next door & make him kneel. A soldier takes hold of his hair lifting his head up straight extending his neck, the Centurion closes his eyes & another legionnaire beheads him with one blow of his sword.
The Empress & the Bacchante cry in horror as the soldier returns to the bedroom carrying the Centurion’s severed head still holding it by the hair. Blood drips from the neck onto the white marble bedroom floor. The soldiers order Messalina & the servant to get dressed. They marvel at how one so beautiful & still only twenty five years of age, could be as depraved as Messalina. The Empresses short black curly hair sits on top of a now terror stricken pure white delicate face, out of which large petrified green eyes stare at the soldiers. Though she isn’t very tall she has lovely skin & a perfect figure, pert firm breasts stand out above a slim tapered waist above womanly hips & slender toned legs.
She ties a white loin cloth covering her shaved nether regions & dons a short purple tunic. The servant girl is only nineteen & like all of the Bacchantes is breathtakingly lovely. She is a brown skinned Tamil Indian from the east. Her hair too is short black & curly & it hugs her head tightly. The servant girl weeps & shakes in fear as she pulls on her white loin cloth & a pink tunic which is even briefer than Messalina’s. As they watch the young women dress several of the soldiers can feel themselves getting hard.
The soldiers lead the Empress & the Bacchante out into the small courtyard in the middle of the villa. They watch in horror as the soldiers firmly place two six foot poles in the ground. As she realises how she is going to be executed the Empress too breaks down sobbing & pleading for mercy.
The soldiers march the two women to the poles & place each of them in front them, facing each other. They pull their hands behind the wooden stakes & tie their wrists together & wrap soft leather thongs round their lovely trembling necks tieing them off firmly behind the poles. They place wooden sticks between the hard wooden columns & the soft leather at the back of each pole.
The Emperor had instructed that Messalina be executed by strangulation, his last words being, “Take your time about it”. The officer in charge of the soldiers is sure that Claudius will be pleased when he learns of the unexpected bonus opportunity the presence of the Bacchante has provided
A soldier stands behind each pole & takes the sticks in both hands. Messalina gasps as she feels the leather tighten round her neck as the soldier gradually twists the stick pulling the thong tighter against the flesh of her throat. Once it is at the stage where the Empress is beginning to have difficulty breathing he stops turning the stick & waits. The Bacchante is to be garrotted first as Messalina is forced to watch, the leather constricting her neck, in terrified contemplation of her fate, waiting for the thong to slowly remorselessly tighten & strangles her.
The soldier behind the servant girl gives his stick a slow half twist, her brown eyes open wide as she feels the increased pressure on her neck. He continues gradually to turn the stick & the Tamil girl begins to pant & gasp for air. The Bacchante arches her back, pushing out her the shapely breasts against the pink top of her tunic & starts to kick, the pumping of her firm brown thighs exposing the white loin cloth underneath the short pink tunic. Her head moves from side to side, face darkening, eyes beginning to bulge, tongue slowly emerging from her widening mouth. The soldier stops twisting the stick, prolonging the Bacchante’s suffering.
The Empress looks on in terror at the agony the girl is being put through, knowing that she will be next. The leather noose prevents her from crying out, All she can do is gasp & whimper her pleas for mercy.
After, what seems to Messalina a very short time, but to the servant girl must have felt like an eternity, the officer nods to the soldier & he gives the stick a final hard turn. The Bacchante’s muscles suddenly tense, her entire body shudders & she dies
The Empress stares in petrified horror at the almost black, puffed & swollen face of the once beautiful Indian girl. The Bacchante’s protruding blood shot eyes appear to Messalina to still be desperately beseeching, someone anyone, to put an end to her agony
The officer nods to the soldier standing behind the Empress & he starts to slowly twist his stick. He ensures that Messalina takes twice as long to die as her servant. Finally the Empresses dead body sags against the pole, her once lovely white face is now purple, her exquisite features horribly distorted by the effects of the very slow & agonising garrotting
The soldiers leave the villa taking Messalina, the Centurion & the Bacchante’s remains with them. When they reach the banks of the Tiber, they stop & one of them cuts off the former Empress’s head & puts it in a sack. The remainder of the bodies they throw in to the river. They then continue their descent down to Rome carrying with them the grisly evidence of Messalina’s execution
Claudius looks impassively at his former wife’s head when it is held up by the hair before him & nods in satisfaction as the soldiers recount the full lurid details of her execution. The Emperor looks at the head of his Praetorian Guards & asks. “What of the other Bacchantes?”.The soldier replies. “We have them in custody Ceasar”. Claudius muses a moment & then orders what is to be done with them. He finishes by quoting Ulysses’s speech in the Odyssey when he took vengeance on Penelope’s wicked maidservants;
Then thus the prince: “To these shall we afford
A fate so pure as by the martial sword?
To these the nightly prostitutes to shame
And base revilers of our house & name
The next morning the remaining twelve Baccahantes are taken from their cells, hands tied behind them, & led out to the prison yard. Though somewhat dishevelled the young women are still delicious to look at, their brief tunics barely concealing their firm lithe young bodies. They start to shriek & wail when they see what is before them. The Emperor had ordered that a huge ship’s cable be pulled taut between the walls of the prison & twelve noosed ropes dangle from it.
On the ground below stands a two foot high long wooden bench which stretches out below all of the twelve ropes. The two masked Carnifex whose grisly business is normally carried out in the depths of the Carcer stand arms folded, coolly assessing their latest batch of victims. The prison guards, two to each Bacchante, force them up on to the wooden bench, & one of the executioners, using a set of steps, works his way down behind the line of sobbing, shaking girls & places the nooses round their necks, ensuring in each case that the ropes are pulled tight to the skin. Once all is ready the guards withdraw & the Carnifex move to either end of the long wooden bench.
On cue Claudius, his small retinue of advisors & four Praetorian guards emerge from a door in the prison wall. The Emperor notes with approval that his instructions have been followed to the letter. He looks at the Carnifex & drops his hand, the executioners kick away the wooden bench & the nooses snap even tighter around the young women’s necks. They gasp & begin to struggle, kicking out forward & backwards. Some Bacchantes try to free their hands to loosen the killing ropes around their necks but the bonds are too tight. They start to dance, first reaching down with one leg but not finding any support, then the other, again & again, hips bucking, backs arching. As the air in the Bacchantes lungs grows stale, they begin to thrash about wildly, kicking out in all directions, sometimes hitting each other’s legs. One of the girl’s accidentally discovers that she can get a moment’s respite by pulling her legs up to her chest, totally exposing the hairless shaved pussy beneath her brief tunic, & thrusting down hard. This propels her body into the air & she is able to snatch a quick breath, but when she falls back down she jerks the rope even tighter around her own neck, & also the necks of the other Bacchantes.
Two of the other girls try to copy her & two more shaved pussies are clearly displayed. It is a doomed struggle. It takes more energy than the poor girls have to keep up for very long & the effort required even more air, so they got further & further behind in their efforts to breathe. Soon all of the girls struggling grows slower & gradually reduces to a sort of trembling motion of their limbs, feeble twitches & spasmodic fluttering of their feet. A minute later they all hang limp, glazed eyes stare sightlessly out from crimson red faces which grow slowly purple, tongues protrude slightly from some mouths & from some others they loll out up to a good couple of inches.
Having had the Bacchantes strung up twelve in a row in truly Homeric fashion Claudius quotes once more from the Odyssey
“They twitched their feet awhile, but not for long”
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