Guillotine execution
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Grete Beier was guillotined
Here is a movie
I am not able to download
A clip from the second film, I believe:
Great at 35 sec
Wow! That clip on Vimeo is first-rate. Thanks for posting.
Awesome, thanks guys!
I can't tell if these are technical inaccuracies: it seems like she's leaning into the head chopper, rather than being tied to a board, and lowered into it.

Although I know German guillotines are slightly different from French ones, although I figured that was more an oddity of World War II.

It's also not clear the timeline of these events. (For example, a couple of German spy women, were presumably beheaded by ax and block, although that was one canton in World War I.)
Greet Bier was convicted and executed of murdering her husband before WW1!

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