Japanese War Camp
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These translated titles get bandied around so much they probably refer to any number of different films.
But the hanging and post-hanging sequences definitely come from the Fa-Pro porn movie with their catalog no. FAD1463

Searching this number will lead you to quite a few online viewing sites.

Or like myself you might chance on one of the international market sites still selling the DVD.
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Thanks.. - Paul - Can you pls help here to find the right source ?
What Aristarchus posted is the correct information.
What about the other image sets with "Japanese War Camp" as a part of their title?
My interest is primarily the hanging clips, but I've skimmed through my DVD and can confirm:-
The five sets specifically titled 'Japanese War Camp' (the 3 recent plus 2 more from 2011) all come from FAD1463.
So I apologise for my earlier scepticism.

But all others with 'Japanese', 'Japan', 'War', 'Prison' or 'Camp' and such like, is a different matter!

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