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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_Young_to_Die%3F (Do we have this here ?)

After suffering an abusive childhood, Amanda Bradley (Juliette Lewis) finds herself a homeless prostitute at the age of 15. Billy Canton (Brad Pitt) is the hustler who both comforts and uses her. Life doesn't seem as if it could get any worse, but it does: Amanda kills a man while on drugs and becomes one of the youngest people to receive the death sentence. The only thing standing between the troubled teenager and lethal injection is public defender Buddy Thornton (Michael Tucker).


The very Wiki article you linked claims that the execution is carried out off-screen.

I guess this could be added as women in prison, but meh. Not exactly a shortage of galleries in that category.
I've seen it.

It IS..."meh."
I've seen the movie too very early on and haven't gotten around to indexing it. If I remember correctly, in the end, she's about to be walked down a prison hallway in cuffs and crying, as if she saw the door to the death chamber. (believe it was implied gas chamber).
>in the end, she's about to be walked down a prison hallway in cuffs and crying

Yes, that's correct. There's nothing much to see.
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There's also the fact that the girl is something like 15. While I'm personally not opposed to execution of minors (even if I'd be 100% for some filter to disable them for people who don't want to see), a decision was made to not feature those on the site. Which is probably for the best.

@Paul That reminds me, did want to bring your attention to two more galleries with minors I stumbled upon:

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