Three Lives and Three Hanging of SKS88.
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Hello All!

Assuming that I was born and reborn three times as a lady and all three of my lives ended by hanging at the end of a rope as a judicial execution, How would I experience my three different hanging executions? Lets assume:
1st Life - I am hanged in public at the Tyburn Gallows in 1800 AD.
2nd Life - I am hanged in public outside Newgate Prison in 1850 AD.
3rd Life - I am hanged in private inside Newgate Prison in 1900 AD.

How will my Three Hangings be similar and different to each other?
Which Hanging will be more Humiliating for me?
Which Hanging will be more slow and painful?
Which Hanging I am likely to be treated with more respect and dignity?
Which Hanging I am like to be wearing a better dress?
Which Hanging will be more entertaining to the public?

Please feel free to add more details and discuss as you like.
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Tyburn the most humiliating, slow & painful

Private hanging inside Newgate I would have thought would be where you would be treated with most respect & dignity

At the time condemned woman wanted to look their best when they "Danced the Tyburn jig" so Tybn again for being best dressed

In terms of entertainment for the spectators Tyburn definitely - no merciful neck breaking on the "Triple Tree". I would love to be there enthralled by the sight of your desperately threshing legs kicking up your petticoats as your eyes bulge from your slowly darkening face - not that I wish you any harm! Thought these pictures were the most appropriate in my collection

Have you had a chance to read Execution Tales Part 4 - what do you think? Medieval & Victorian executions will feature shortly
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Plenty of good ideas here in my group
How do you get an invitation code to register for that site? I’m dying to see the group but can’t without one.
Just register and join
Just loaded a video and story about my pre execution routine if anybody is interested

Hi Noosewoman

Been trying to upgrade my membership on your website to Premium - however had problems with each of the four recommended Bitcoin sites - can you assist

I am a paid member so nothing to do with the admin
I really don’t know how to help

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