The best dresses and lingerie for executions
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As I think that the dress or the skirt is the best female attire, for executions too, I would like to put here some examples.
Silk slips are the nicest things executioner could find under girl's dress:
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Could not agree more

Quote by sameJCould not agree more

As for me I am very excited by fact that past times girls thought about executions as about events needing nice proper ladylike dressing!
I would prefer her dressed like the pictures below under her main dress and skirts. She is to be undressed one after other and her undergarments auctioned off as she remains hanging by her neck.
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Quote by SkirtsOnScaffoldAs I think that the dress or the skirt is the best female attire, for executions too, I would like to put here some examples.
Silk slips are the nicest things executioner could find under girl's dress:
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I totally agree
and I think that these lingeries must be superimposed to overlap the body of the condemned

Quote by sks88I would prefer her dressed like the pictures below under her main dress and skirts. She is to be undressed one after other and her undergarments auctioned off as she remains hanging by her neck.
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Oh, it is nice! I hope some of these things executioner could grab for himself
Yes, may be for his wife or his daughter. Or just to remember the victim by smelling her in the folds of her dresses.
I like these
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These are some beautiful hanging photos.

Quote by sks88Yes, may be for his wife or his daughter. Or just to remember the victim by smelling her in the folds of her dresses.

Oh, it is exactly mine thing about keeping smell and some spots in the folds of dresses and undies!
Some outer dresses for today.
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And inner things too. Love to imagine hangman keeping her petticoat to smell it and remameber nice girl died in his professional hands
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Quote by konaronI like these
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Love your hanging pictures, esp last and that one with girl in short skirt.
It was always exciting to read about hanging preparings and about shorter skirts of 1930s-1950s issue, when one strap could not more both to tie legs and to fix the hem, and hangmen started at last to place additional ropes around that short hems.
Yes. However I always wondered why women were allowed to wear their own clothes to their hanging. By 1920s Standard Prison uniform were long dressed. They could have been hanged wearing those without any additional fuss like using to straps.
Oh, nice times when female prison uniform was a dress, not trousers!
I think it is sad and shameful for girl to be forever (because it is death row!) declined to wear normal feminine clothes and to feel herself a lady.
Yes I agree. Only western female hanging in a prison uniform I found in this website is 'Days of our lives Jennifers execution' even that is where is is wearing prisonn stripes and not a dress. Modern western hanging scenes in jumpsuits are actually porn scenes.
However in India, women wears prison uniform for their hangings and not personal clothes.
Oh, imagine that indian uniforms could be sarees! :)
Yes, both in india and bangladesh prison uniform is the saree. Though fewer girls and ladies wear sarees regularly anymore. More of an ocational wear now a days specially in the cities.
how about this dress for an execution
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Or for their last formal event - execution! Oh, it is nice...
how about this dress love that its satin
love these dresses that delenn wore in babylon 5
and i love this dress the opera singer wears
2 lovely dresses

love this harp players dress

nice simple dress
her dress i really like 2 versions of this video
Charisma Carpenter as Codellia in Turquoise Satin Dress loved this dress in buffy nice dress for an execution
Wow amazinf choice of clothes
More from my vault
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and on and on
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and on and on
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Thank you konaron for that musicians' dresses. I love opera singers, and harpists, and violiists when they performing in dresses, it usually are nice satin colorful dresses!
As for strapless dresses - of course it is imaginable how their bodices fall down a bit when girl is stopping her drop!
I have a ton of stuff
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Perfectly dressed for her hanging
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