Where do these fascinations come from?
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I would be interested to know where others think their fascinations come from

Detailed below is an abridged discussion - my side only - that I have recently had with "Anna" - see Stories section

[My first message]

You asked at the start of our discussions where these fantasies come from. My view for what it is worth is that somewhere in our subconscious there is a link between sex & death – Eros & Thanatos – which was the name of the first site I came across on line which dealt with this kind of material

I also think that to a large extent our sexual fantasies are defined by our experience in adolescence – when we become sexually aware & respond to those things that we see every day. I think this has a big impact on us

In my own case when I was at school thankfully the fashion at the time was for female pupils to wear short skirts. Myself & my friends used to look up in anticipation as we followed our girl classmates up the stairs hoping for a glimpse of their panties. The thrill wasn’t so much of seeing their lovely lace clad firm young bottoms it was the fact that in western culture women & girls would routinely try & prevent giving men & boys such glimpses of their underwear. Girls of that age being more mature than boys, when I think back, I am pretty sure they knew exactly what we were doing & rather quite enjoyed it

In the UK there has been a recent controversy about upskirting in schools – which now not only in schools has quite rightly been made illegal. Apparently boys were routinely using there mobile phones to take pictures up their female classmates skirts. I suppose you can conclude from this that this kind of thing never changes in the case of 16 year old boys

I had my first serious girlfriend when I was 16. When we were at my house or hers & the parents were out, we were supposed to be on study leave, if I asked her to keep her uniform on, but remove her pantyhose, before we made love she used to roll her eyes. She knew that if she did that I would “Shoot my load” very quickly even by the standards of a 16 year old boy. She would only agree on the condition that we could it again with both of us naked

What she didn’t know was even at that age sometimes the picture I had in my head as we made love was of my girlfriend & her more attractive friends kicking there lives away on a gallows rope with me on the ground looking up past there pumping thighs to their tight panties under their short flying uniform skirts as they slowly strangled to death

To this day these images are fixed in my brain

[Second message from me in response to "Anna's" reply]

Picking up on yesterday’s conversation – please try not find anything I write or say too frightening – remember it is all pure fantasy & in reality as I have said previously I wouldn’t hurt a fly & am totally opposed to the death penalty

I think you may have slightly misunderstood my fantasies of seeing my 16 year old female classmates slowly strangle to death on a gallows while I looked up their skirts. At that age, & still now, I always experience a small frisson of excitement when a lady accidently exposes the underwear under her skirt. This is very, very common in men because in many ways we are in our heads still 16 years of age However I would never indulge in something like upskirting as think it is a horrible breach of a woman’s privacy

What I was trying to say was the sight of the girls at school going upstairs & sometimes providing a tantalising glimpse of their panties was the most common sexually related image available to us at a time when we were obsessed with sex. It was also an easy picture in my fantasies to move to a gallows scene

My fascination with the execution of women, especially but by no means exclusively by hanging, I have had since I was about 10. As I have said before I have no idea where it comes from & as it does not in any way affect my behaviour in real life I just accept it

I was an avid reader as a child & was already reading grown up books from about the age of 10. The first time I became aware of this kink in my sexuality was when reading a detective novel, can’t remember what one, & it came to the end when the Femme Fatale villainess was unmasked, caught, sentenced to death & then we were told just told that she had had to be carried screaming & struggling to the gallows

I took the book to bed & read that chapter several times. I don’t think I was even aware that at the same time I was gently playing with my by now hard penis – then whoosh, all of a sudden the front of my pajama trousers were soaking with sticky white stuff. I had no idea what had happened. Thankfully as it does the sperm dried quickly & I quietly put the soiled night wear into the washing basket the next day

My father had passed away before this happened & my mother, bless her, was just too embarrassed to raise the topic of sex with me. Sex education at school was non-existent. The first time I had a sex education lesson at school was when I was 16 & as I said earlier, that was a bit too late as by then I was having regular intercourse with my first proper girl friend who was on the pill

Anyone else prepared to share?

Looking back on my childhood I see now that I always had an SM streak. I was sexually aroused by seeing women submitted to bondage.

There wasn't much bondage on the black and white TV in my childhood but what there was was often displayed in scenes of historical captial punishments. Actresses playing Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, Mata Hari or Lady Jane Grey would reguarly be blindfolded and/or bound on our screens. They'd wear wear sexy long dresses, fur collars or long velvet cloaks. I could only imagine what kind of thigh high boots they wore beneath.

Their executioners would be masked men in the best BDSM style of the day with boots and gloves and all in leather. There would be no terror, gore or snuff, I don't like that kind of thing, just a flock of birds flying into the distance at the final moment. The theatrics of the masked dominant male towering over the submissive queen left me aroused, sticky and confused me back then, though it's obvious now why such scenarios gave me a juvenville hard on.
Probably watching the 'Perils of Penelope Pitstop' cartoon as a child started me off,Damn the Ant Hill Mob!
As a child, I have been exposed to science fiction movies and literature, judicial movies and series, also Medical dramas... could explain my fetishism towards lethal injection execution. I can also say that living for twenty years in a country that is warm, could explain my fetishism toward feet and sole too.
Also, as a child, I did have an uncle who is a physicians and he did live with us when he was medical student, so I was exposed to anatomy, and I.V. and all what go with it.
Eros & Thanatos was an interesting site - I think the story I reread most from there was one titled '1 in 64'. It's about a woman who fantasizes about being hanged and arranges to hang herself while handcuffed, with a small chance she'll end up with no way to free herself. (In my early exploration of this material, another site I came across was called 'ziggyred3 story archive'. The site focused on fictional execution stories, organized by method)

When I was a kid, as the prize for a 'Scholastic Reader challenge' in school, I got to pick five books out of the Scholastic Reading catalog. I remember having trouble choosing five books, from just titles and short descriptions. A book about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln sounded interesting, so I chose it. I knew nothing about the conspiracy or the execution of the conspirators. It was a book for young readers, but the authors thought it was OK to include a detailed description of the hanging of the four conspirators, including Mary Surratt (it even had the famous before & after pictures of the conspirators on the gallows). It was my first time reading about the process of judicial hanging, with the conspirators bound, hooded, noosed and dropped. I re-read that part of the book many times and imagined the embarrassment, helplessness, and humiliation of being hanged...and that a woman had been subjected to this.

After that, hanging scenes in movies would excite me. The hanging scene (or hanging peril) would dominate my thoughts about the movie. If I knew a movie included a scene like this and I were alone, I would want to jump to that point. If others were around, I would push hard for everyone to watch something else (without explaining why of course).
I found all the classic hangings in literature (ex. Frankenstein (implied), The Odyssey, The Three Musketeers, The Hunchback of Notre Dame). There was an university library in my town, and I looked up books on the history of capital punishment.

I think part of my fascination had to do with the humiliation and helplessness of a process that was intended to be deeply shameful, but very orderly and still somewhat dignified. It was exciting that someone would submit to being bound and noosed, but still fight hard to resist death once hanging by the rope.
When I was around 11 or 12, I read a book in school "Tuck everlasting". Mrs Tuck was sentenced to death for murder by hanging. She doesn't get hanged or even goes to the gallows in the end. But my teacher explained how a hanging takes place. It fascinated me how a lady is subjected to such a humiliation but all under a legal umbrella. I am born in a society where women are generally very respected. Male police cannot arrest or even touch a female suspect according to law a woman police has to do it. Women are normally allowed sits in public transport and allowed seperate or que jumping in bus stands and bank. A woman being subjected to ritual humiliation and shameful bondage was a real turn on.
As for me it was when I was a teenager. I read in some magazine article about Marie-Antoinette's execution. As i was already a fan of princess-like ladies in dresses I was execited by idea that such a lady can be led to some head-chopping device, just in her white dress!
And it was sterted.)
After that there were scenes from "The three musketeers", from the "Cat Ballou" movie etc.
It is mainly about such a contrast between feminine beauty and humiliating ritual for me.
I have loved history all my life and when I was 5 years old I got a book about Jamestown and I saw a woman in the stocks and my mind went wild. I continued my interest in women in prisons. One boring summer day I read about a wealthy woman in Mexico who lived in luxury. After reading the story I began to have fantasies about her be executed in the electric chair. I still have those fantasies of female executions. My fantasies are about glamorous women executed in leather, latex or pvc attire,
I have loved history all my life and when I was 5 years old I got a book about Jamestown and I saw a woman in the stocks and my mind went wild. I continued my interest in women in prisons. One boring summer day I read about a wealthy woman in Mexico who lived in luxury. After reading the story I began to have fantasies about her be executed in the electric chair. I still have those fantasies of female executions. My fantasies are about glamorous women executed in leather, latex or pvc attire,

Quote by sks88When I was around 11 or 12, I read a book in school "Tuck everlasting". Mrs Tuck was sentenced to death for murder by hanging. She doesn't get hanged or even goes to the gallows in the end. But my teacher explained how a hanging takes place. It fascinated me how a lady is subjected to such a humiliation but all under a legal umbrella. I am born in a society where women are generally very respected. Male police cannot arrest or even touch a female suspect according to law a woman police has to do it. Women are normally allowed sits in public transport and allowed seperate or que jumping in bus stands and bank. A woman being subjected to ritual humiliation and shameful bondage was a real turn on.

That's right - the hanging wouldn't have killed her, and it would have revealed the Tuck's immortality. I see how a teacher could end up having to explain the process and how death by hanging normally occurs.

"A woman being subjected to ritual humiliation and shameful bondage was a real turn on." - sks88
"It is mainly about such a contrast between feminine beauty and humiliating ritual for me." - SkirtsOnScaffold

These sum up a large part of the fascination for me.
Disclaimer: The death thing never did anything for me, but since before I was in kindergarten, I found myself fascinated with women in these distressing circumstances - the old DC Comic trope: the helpless damsel, strapped into some Mad Scientist's dental-esque chair, wired helmet hovering above her pretty face and her panties showing...Right - or WonderWoman, strapped to a laboratory slab, whose wonderfully flared hips (my God, those hips!) were already exposed in her lovely full cut briefs.
What 4 year old boy (still in his PJs) even has a chance resisting those images?
I adore women and I'd like to think this comes from a desire to rescue the damsel in distress, but deeper down, I'm part Mad Scientist, at least in playful, benign way.

It's said that sexual preferences in individuals are as varied as fingerprints.
In terms of psycho-sexual development, I've read that boys ages 4-6, tend to want to possess the mother - right - not literally, but the female - the object of their young affection.
So images of bondage, brainwashing or other immature, coercive ways of controlling females become appealing.
I think that probably fits in some way for me...It just stuck with me into adulthood.

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Began in 6th grade for me.
It began in my early ages. I still have a History book which shows a heroine bound and ready to be executed by firing squad. I can't explain why it started I just can track it. The next step was not so far in time from my discovering and enjoying the drawing in the book and it was the execution sequence in The Gambler 2. TV in my country was not so much of a developed industry when I was growing up and so they tended to re create the execution of heroines of national independence often. I don't know why but the whole judicial ritual turned me on. Then it mixed with my clothing fetish which at the beginning was jeans and cardigans/pants and cardigans. How the cardigan frames the blouse or shirt below it became a turn on and then everything got mixed.

Possession of the female is also present in my stories and fetish maybe because there's a part of our brain that never grows up

Quote by P3numbraDisclaimer: The death thing never did anything for me, but since before I was in kindergarten, I found myself fascinated with women in these distressing circumstances - the old DC Comic trope: the helpless damsel, strapped into some Mad Scientist's dental-esque chair, wired helmet hovering above her pretty face and her panties showing...Right - or WonderWoman, strapped to a laboratory slab, whose wonderfully flared hips (my God, those hips!) were already exposed in her lovely full cut briefs.
What 4 year old boy (still in his PJs) even has a chance resisting those images?
I adore women and I'd like to think this comes from a desire to rescue the damsel in distress, but deeper down, I'm part Mad Scientist, at least in playful, benign way.

It's said that sexual preferences in individuals are as varied as fingerprints.
In terms of psycho-sexual development, I've read that boys ages 4-6, tend to want to possess the mother - right - not literally, but the female - the object of their young affection.
So images of bondage, brainwashing or other immature, coercive ways of controlling females become appealing.
I think that probably fits in some way for me...It just stuck with me into adulthood.

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That's where a lot of my fantasies come from, as well. Though, I've always been the damsel. I've always loved the idea of being restrained and threatened (and when I was a child, the hero would always rescue me just in the nick of time). It's still one of my fantasies, to be held hostage, in a non-sexual way. Tied to a chair, cloth cleave gag, waiting for my ransom to be paid or die by some cartoon-ish means. I developed a love of history when I was in sixth grade, and my fantasies started mixing and getting more mature. I wanted to be condemned to die, by hanging or beheading, but still rescued in the nick of time. As I got older, it slowly started to phase out (even though I do have fantasies where I'm rescued by a dashing hero just before it's too late).
Joan at the stake
in its length and virginal shirt
but the long white shirt of babylon berlin moves me in the same way

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nghm888 said

I think part of my fascination had to do with the humiliation and helplessness of a process that was intended to be deeply shameful, but very orderly and still somewhat dignified. It was exciting that someone would submit to being bound and noosed, but still fight hard to resist death once hanging by the rope.

I agree
Honestly who knows. A lot of times they're not even logical interests. Or like certain things are out of place in context of the timeline they would happen.

Ex. A girl wearing birkenstocks to her beheading / guillotining / hanging. Obviously those shoes / sandals never existed in the time period that was happening in Europe, with the possible exception of the guillotine. And yet for whatever, someone like a Joan Of Arc, Charlotte Corday wearing those seems to be my fantasy.

My readers don't know that ( they're not in this sort of community usually ), but would be kind of an Easter Egg of sorts.

But the association of Birkenstocks and heretics kind of got locked in my mind for some reason. Or wooden shoes, if a cold environment.
I mean it could be because I associate Birkenstocks with peasants? Not sure. Certainly not office uniform.
For me it was when Barbra Graham was told by the matron she would have to take her shoes off this was in the 60s when pantyhose with reinforced toes was a thing and then the blindfold I was hooked and started to think about this a lot I was happy to see sissy spacik in Badlands in her stockinged feet at the air port the only one I always write stockinged feet and blindfolds and enemas into my stories I have collaborated here in a few stories but am always looking for someone to chat with with similar interests nude executions never did anything for me nor bare feet I have no idea why Barbra did it for me and I was glad they took Mary Surratts boots off in the lincolon conspiritors and was blindfolded feel free to message me anytime if you have similar interests
For me it was this pic of Joan of Arc. I had similar hair length and color and a nightdress very like the robe she is wearing in the pic. I imagined myself standing in front of the stake and its pile of faggots and then being chained to it and the fire being lit. I used to wonder just how long such a process would take and why Joan didn't struggle when faced with such a death.
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