Would you want to watch?
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If you were going to be executed as part of a group but one at a time (like on the same block, guillotine, noose, whatever), would you want to watch the person in front of you be put to death?

I think it would be terrifying but I'd definitely want to watch.
Definitely yes...would stand in the row waiting my turn, watching one by one how my friends are executed, my lover standing next to me waiting her turn as well...she will go just before me
Yes I would.

Beheading - I am the Daughter of a rebellious lord in the medieval age. My entire family is being beheaded for treason. My Father looses his first followed by my 3 brothers. All four heads are put on a spike on one side. My mother bids me farewell and looses her head which is put on a spike on the opposite side. The headsman now waits for me to mount the scaffold. Another empty spike awaits for my head by my mothers side.

Hanging - I am a mordern day arab woman being hanged for adultery. I have slept with two different men because I was bored as my husband is an old fart. The men are hanged by short drop side by side leaving one empty noose in the middle for me to be hanged from.

Garrote - I am a Spanish revolutionary in the 19th century. Me and my husband are bound to two garrotes side by side and iron collar is locked round our necks. I watch with horror as my husband is slowly strangled before my eyes knowing too well that the same horrific strangulation waits me.
Hello SKS,

If you are waiting your turn to be beheaded, you better hope the Headsman is a very fit man or you have a thin neck! After 3 or 4 beheadings he might be getting tired, or worse, the Axe loses its edge!
Ahh! A botched beheading? May be the axe will stuck in my shoulder partially beheading me. He has to step on my back to pul out the axe and stab again.
while I have to be burned alive
already tied to the pole
my accomplice installed at the garrote
to attend one and the other to the slow hanging of the 3rd
and their two bodies then thrown on the wood and burned with me
Angelique, would love to burn with you, adk them to put a second stake
I'd like to watch my girlfriend's beheading (by guillotine, preferably), what happens to me after doesn't matter, but I presume I'll die, too.
All your fantasies are so cool! Please PM me if you'd like help roleplaying them out, or someone to discuss with!
Yes I would want to watch my lover we would be prepped together (enema and bum plugs) dressed (in denium dresses and beige leotards (tights) (no shoes) be led to the scaffold in stockinged feet mount the steps and pad to the trap doors toes wiggling as our ankles are secured as well as our hands behind us looking into each others eyes watching her fall and just have time to see the handle on my trap door being pulled stocking toes twitching as I hit the end of the rope.....
Yeah, I would.
I prefer to be executed by fire squad, although as everybody may, I am obsessed to witness execution by Lethal injection.
I like to rehearse beheading scenes. My favorite

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