Issues with gallery names/info
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First of all, allow me to preface my post with an appreciation for this site and everything Paul is doing to keep it running. I love how many galleries we have on display to view, and I understand how much work goes into updating the site and keeping everything going.

With that said, I do have a criticism regarding how these galleries are labeled, as well as the information provided. Often it's practically impossible to determine a source for the images, as I'm sure you can tell from the fact that half the threads on this forum are "Hey, where is this from?"-type posts. Sometimes, with fetish content, a link will be provided to purchase the video, and in some older galleries there were links to Amazon for the movie (might be in some new ones too, I just personally haven't seen them).

Now, if this was just a random website for pictures, sure, whatever. But on the front page Themis Collection is literally described as "A scholarly index of female judicial execution scenes in mainstream and indie movies/tv." What kind of scholarly index doesn't have references? The titles for many of the galleries are nonsensical, wrong and confusing, especially (but not exclusively) non-English content. In addition, there's no information given on the source of the images.

Let's look at a few examples to better illustrate my point. There's this gallery, Sentenced to Death Barring the fact that this is the single most generic name ever for this kind of content (there's THIRTEEN galleries called Sentenced to Death), it also gives no information on the source. Is it from a movie? A music video? A short clip? In what year was it released? If it's publicly available, could we have a YouTube link? If not, is it on Amazon, or IMDB? There is no way to know, and with such a generic title it's hard to find anything on Google.

Then there's photos from plays and other live events, where it's even scummier that we get no source. Let's take for example the various versions of Antigone Now, like this one I sincerely doubt that Paul went to all of these plays and took the photographs himself, which means one of two things - either the play was filmed and Paul took screenshots from the recording, or somebody else took the photos, which were then stolen without credit. And all that without giving any kind of credit to the actors and actresses that worked so hard on bringing the play to life. Not giving any kind of credit to their troupe or the person who took the video/photos isn't cool. I imagine that it wouldn't have been too hard to do so - Paul must have found them somewhere, or someone must have sent them. Which means it is possible (or at least was at one time) to trace the images back to a source and give proper credit.

Then there's the galleries with just the most nonsensical names possible. Let's take this one for instance - Shengjing Mountain Spring War What does that even mean? This tells me absolutely nothing about the video or their source! It's clearly a Chinese fetish video (MJ have made several of them), so why can't we have some kind of link or source? Hell, for another one of them, Li Hua Yu we had a source on the forum, but not in the gallery itself? I understand that a source is not always possible, but when it is I don't see why it's impossible to put at least a small reference in the gallery.

And then we have videos which are publicly and freely available online (I'm not talking about semi-legal sites like Motherless, but rather YouTube, Dailymotion, those types of websites), but for some reason aren't linked in the gallery. Take for example this one Which is based on this music video Now, unfortunately the video is no longer available officially, but there's several mirrors like the one I just linked. Granted, proper credit is given, but why not go a step further and just link the video? These types of music videos and short films can be linked quite legally, I don't really see the problem.

That said, there's a lot of galleries which are just perfect. Take for example this one Right away we can see the name of the source, its medium (comic) and a link to buy it to Amazon. Perfect! That's exactly how it should be! And there's a lot of galleries like it, which is fantastic! I just wish that all of them were this good, or at least as many as possible. Again - I really appreciate the work Paul is doing, I just don't see a reason NOT to properly source galleries. And while it may be too much work to check each one individually, it could be something worth keeping in mind for the future.
I think I've tried my best with citing everything, especially with mainstream media. Almost all of them have Amazon links. Even foreign TV shows will episode numbers.

Majority of posts with vague titles are non-mainstream clips I've collected from long ago so by the time I get around to post screenshots, I don't have the source anymore. Even if I had the source, link would be dead. There are also videos and screenshots that people send to me with very little information. Additionally, you're probably not aware with one issue I'm constantly running into and that is people sending me reposts but under other vague/irrelevant titles, and then I have to painstakingly find out if I already have it on my site.

The bottom line is, I don't have time to spoon-feed people. It's just not worth it. If I can find something then anyone should be able to find it and I've already given you guys a head start. The site doesn't bring in any money so this is the most effort i can put into it.
I appreciate you're doing a great job Paul.
We all appreciate Paul thank you xxx
You are doing a great job
You are doing an excellent job Paul
Paul is doing what he can, and to be honest he is doing alone a wonderful job.
"The site doesn't bring in any money so this is the most effort i can put into it."

Being honest with you I think this is the big takeaway. I legit wouldn't mind a subscription service of some sort that offers certain benefits (for example a bit more storage space for galleries, access to GDrive with clips, just something like that which wouldn't cost extra to implement). So Tier 1 would be the free user, Tier 2 would be the VIP user who pays a few bucks a year for access to galleries, and Tier 3 would be the VIP+ with some other benefits for $5-10 a month. It sucks that the site doesn't turn in a profit, and while the community isn't huge I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind sending a few bucks your way every month to help out a little. Even if the total is around $100/mo that's still something.
Paul is a top man

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