Lethal injection fans. Tell us about how it's should like.
Forum Home  >  Public : General  >  Lethal injection fans. Tell us about how it's should like.

Ladies and Gentlemen, tell us how a lethal injection should look like by answering this question:
What the inmate should wear?
Should they be wearing socks, or sandals, ballerina, maybe barefoot?
How many injections should be given to the condemned?
What should be the last words?
How the body should behave toward the injection? Like should it remains calm, or spasm, or something in between?
What is the part of the body that you like the most to watch while the inmate is executed?
What the inmate should wear?: My dream outfit for this sort of execution differs from what I imagine wearing in pretty much any other scenario. Her, I'd like to wear a simple denim prison issue dress.

Should they be wearing socks, or sandals, ballerina, maybe barefoot?: I'd prefer to go barefoot. Or in black, prison issue flats.

How many injections should be given to the condemned?: One, with three different solutions going in a different times.

What should be the last words?: "I am innocent of everything I have been accused of. I want everyone to know that this is a miscarriage of justice. Despite that, however, I hope that I am able to go through with this with the greatest dignity." Despite my saying that, I would still have a few tears in my eyes.

How the body should behave toward the injection? Like should it remains calm, or spasm, or something in between?: I think it should vary. The body should remain calm for a bit, then start to spasm for a while, and calm with spasms every once in a while until the body stills.

What is the part of the body that you like the most to watch while the inmate is executed?: Well, as someone who would like to be the condemned, I'd prefer someone watch me.

Forum > Public / General > Lethal injection fans. Tell us about how it's should like.

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