Looking for links to movies for download
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I have a list of movies with hanging scenes that has been budding me for some time
I wonder if anybody can at least help with either
Or more info
Thanks xx
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Oh yippee! This is where the silly old bugger gets to show off.

Acceptible Risk TVM 2001
A Connecticut Yankee 1931
Pyoveli - The Hangman music vid on YouTube
Schusse Unterm Galgen German movie 1968
Piratas Spanish TV miniseries 2011
The Big Easy: The Fabulous Bill Brothers US TV series 1996
The 4 Musketeers French TV miniseries 2005
BloodRayne 2 - Deliverance 2007
Der Clown: Rauchende Colts German TV series 1998
Kaybolan Yillar Turkish movie 1978
I found a link to the 5th one here:
Piratas Spanish TV miniseries 2011
And a link to Connecticut Yankee (1931)
The gallows scene - around 1:15:00
The gallows prop and restraints are pretty impressive
May I ask what software do you use to download the above link
I tried a few and none of them works .....
This one seems to work for the Connecticut Yankee video:

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