Your favourite Anne Boleyn execution scene
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What are your favourite Anne Boleyn demise scenes? I suppose it comes down o individual taste and preference and there are a host of criteria that make an authentic rendition of this monumental historical event.
From my own personal perspective, I prefer and enjoy a high degree of historical accuracy and authenticity ( there has to be a damn good reason why she is depicted as kneeling at the block when she perished at Jean Rombaud's sword! ). In addition, I like a carefully constructed build up. And, at the denouement, I want to see the actresses face, her neck. I want to see her reaction to the imminent fate.
Thus, with all that in mind, here are my favourites:

Anne Of The Thousand Days: Bojuld in a classic. Has a degree of authenticity, could be better.

The Other Boleyn Girl: There are elements of this that irritate me, but, generally, the brutality of the act is vividly portrayed - the cruel steel of the sword is displayed mercilessly against the slender vulnerability of Boleyn's / Portman's exposed neck.

The Tudors: For my money, Natalie Dormer was the ideal actress to play Anne Boleyn. This scene was botched, in my opinion. And it promised so much, only to thoroughly disappoint. Too much squeamishness took over, I reckon, which blunted the impact of the final scene. A wasted opportunity.

Henry VIII : Again, such promise. But Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal was ruined by historical inaccuracy and unsatisfyingly bizarre camera angles.

I saw Anne Of The Thousand Days in a theater, when it came out.
(I would have been 13 years old.)

It was one of those executions that was burned into my memories...
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I believe I was first introduced to the delights of Anne Of The Thousand Days when it appeared one Sunday on afternoon TV. The final scene with Genevieve Bujold mesmerised me. I must have been around 15 or 16 and had already developed an obsession with Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard. That film merely intensified that interest. I devoured all things Henry VIII and his six wives. I seem to recall seeing Henry VIII and His Six Wives shortly after, featuring an unforgettable performance by Lynne Frederick as Katherine Howard that also took my breath away.
I just finished re-watching "Wolf Hall", and it may be the most
politically, emotionally and visually realistic portrayal.

Very well done.
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I thought Wolf Hall managed to convey Anne Boleyn's desire to remain dignified and calm, even as the growing realisation and attendant fear of her death gradually assailed her. It is a remarkably authentic depiction. And laced with a visceral savagery.
Genevieve Bujold. But she wasn't blinfolded..
l want to watch madness henry anne boleyn execution.
Can I have a look?

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