Ariana Yliastituti - female executioner
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This is the (true) story you may find interesting. It was in Jakarta post 2008. It is the interview of the lady who led the execution team when two notorious female convicts were executed. Ny Astini and Sumiarsih.

I used translation program so the the language is a bit clumsy:

July 18, 2008

Ariana Yuliastuti

Towards the implementation of the execution of the death Sumiarsih and Sugeng, one of which is busy Ariana Yuliastuti. High Prosecutor's attorney Jatim this is the duty of assisting and entertaining them so that when the steady shift shoot.

If you could choose, each person is more comfortable in no time at her death. Death should be like a thief who came in the night when the host slept soundly. Ariana Yuliastuti felt that when delivering Astini, the convict died, in front of the firing squad on March 20, 2005.

Along the road to an execution in a place in Surabaya which was carried out in the early morning at 01.20, a woman sentenced to death in the case of mutilation of three women often dangled in her hand.

"In fact, she said to me, 'Ma'am, I will be accompanied by you,'" he told Jawa Post. " Her heart heard the last cry of women aged 51 years. However, as a prosecutor as well as a state official, she must be strong. "But this time, hopefully (death row inmates Sumiarsih and Sugeng) are calmer and more prepared," she said.

Located in Medaeng Detention Center, Tuesday (7/15) around 10:30 p.m., for the first time Ariana met Sumiarsih, the person who would be accompanied when executed. Like the experience of meeting Astini first, the sentence that came out of Sumiarsih was a request that the execution be postponed.

Although in fact only as a companion sentenced to death, Ariana felt the task she carried like a grim reaper. "When the Medaeng Detention Center lamp was turned off (when the death row convict was taken out of solitary confinement), there was a feeling that the task I was doing was the work of angels," said the mother of one child.
When bringing Astini who in her last days more dhikr in the room, Ariana really hesitated. Her heart is raging. But, finally, she was able to calm down until he was able to carry out her duties smoothly. "I tried to sort out my feelings. Between personal (feeling) and task," she said..

The recipe is now still firmly held by Ariana when she was a companion to the death sentence for Sumiarsih. In fact, she did not refuse when appointed as the executor team. "My conscience does not want to refuse the leadership's orders. I want to help succeed in the hard task," he said
Ariana thinks that she is a co-executioner not merely because she is appointed by a human being or an official.. That is God's will. "It just so happens that I am here (being a death row companion) because God appointed me through a leadership decree. I carried out God's mandate," said the woman who began her career as an administrative attorney in 1988. "

That understanding, said Ariana, that must be owned by the executor. Because, not necessarily all executors have such an understanding.
In fact, there are executors who are not ready to carry out their duties so they are shadowed by nightmares..

Ariana believes that all events related to human actions, including executions, contain God's wisdom to educate humans. For example, so that people are afraid of committing very large crimes such as killing. "If allowed, (crime) can run rampant," she said.
As the executor team, Ariana claimed not to have special preparation. The most important thing prepared is mental. In addition, she tries to eliminate guilt by studying or studying the executor of the divine science..

Before the execution, Ariana had a close relationship with Astini. She intensely encouraged women from Wonorejo village, Surabaya, who killed their victims because they were ridiculed for not being able to pay the debt.
A few days before facing the firing squad, Ariana and Astini were like close friends. They often mingle. "I show friendliness through action," he said.
He cheered Astini through his hands and hugs. Things like that are more valuable.

though the translation might be rough somehow the story caught me for a while. A human believing he or she's obeying God's mandate can be read in many different ways and it's food for thought for us writers. Thanks for sharing it
Pictures of Yliastituti, Astini and Sumiarsih
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Thanks for sharing, it's somehow difficult to get to terms with reality. Death penalty should remain only in our imagination and not in the day to day lives of working class people
Absolutely so, Juan.

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