Lack of New Guillotine Scenes
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I have a fascination with French Revolutionary guillotine scenes, predominantly.

There is a special atmosphere that exudes from such guillotine recreations. I love the clothes the condemned wear; low cut, scooped blouses and hair haphazardly bound up beneath mob caps.

I seem to have utterly exhausted all the most popular and classic guillotine scenes from that era. But there seems to be a drought, a real dearth, of newly minted, fresh guillotine portrayals recently.
I take very good pictures, and can make a lot more for you.
I'm always on the lookout for suitable clips from French Revolution themed films, TV series and documentaries.

To indulge my ideal fantasies, for a moment: I would love a re-make of A Tale of Two Cities, featuring a more vivid and imaginative scene with The Seamstress. for example.

Or a new revamp of The Scarlet Pimpernel, featuring some good quality guillotine scenes.

Or a more faithful rendition of Marie Antoinette's demise.
I mostly draw my own guillotine scenes. But it's a trick line to do, as there has to also be a story for my readers to enjoy, for more than just a sexy beheading scene.

Plus a book that is purely just sexy cutscenes has no appeal to me. I have to care about the characters that get the chop anyway.
Check the guillotine scene of the film " chouans" of 87+-...
Chouans is an old favourite!
I mentioned A Tale of Two Cities previously. One of the black and white versions, featuring Dirk Bogart, has a guillotine scene which des nothing more than tease and suggest.

The Seamstress has a delicately fragile face. She is exquisitely beautiful. The camera follows her ascent up the scaffold to the guillotine, eventually lingering with tender reverence at her exposed neck. And what a sumptuously delicate neck this girl has! Unblemished, slender, gorgeous.
And don't forget how they gather her hair before leading her to be beheaded. Sweet!
Tease and suggest seems to be the only thing they can do in American media, outside of indie films. I'm one of those people that feels, if you can't show the whole thing, why have it in there? There are ways of keeping it for polite company while keeping it gory: I paint the blood black, for example.

The manga Innocent was able to show the whole thing, and still keep it graceful.

If blood flowed like music, I want ti flow like rainbows and Beethoven's 9th symphony. Not Heavy Metal.
That is indeed a nice touch, Sam. I always prefer the hair to be bundled up in a bun and the tucked beneath a mob cap.
If you are looking for a beautiful and historically correct guillotine execution the only thing I can suggest is to make your own guillotine. it can be difficult but you will be satisfied
as say nigga...only making yourself your guillotine film is rare to see a reallistic performance of a execution in guillotine,....but,i canremember in danton film starring gerard depardieu ,his execution is very graphic,and in un long dimanche de fiancalles ,2004, marion cotillard is executed in guillotine ...
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Yea I would say it's more accurate that's its rare to see a realistic guillotine execution of a female victim in movies. For whatever they don't censor as much for male executions.

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