Do You Have a Final Statement?
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It's over for you.

In a few short moments, your little heart is finally going to give out, no match for the implement of justice which will soon take your life.

The witnesses are all looking at you, some hateful, some sad, some curious.

Your death warrant is read, and the final question is asked before you're sent off to oblivion:

I've been thinking about this moment for months, knowing it's my last chance to make my mark on the world before I'm snuffed out for good. I had planned a speech, or maybe an apology, or a thank you.

But when the fateful moment comes, I know I can't speak without breaking down. Instead, I shake my head and accept my sentence.
I think mine would be:

"I'm sorry for every sin I've committed in my life, and I hope those I have wronged can forgive me. I hope the passing of this sentence bring them peace."
The words of a you woman who is about to be hanged for mass murder: "I am an evil woman and I am guilty of all murders that have brought me to the gallows. I make no apologies for my crimes and I feel no remorse for any of my victims. Everyone I killed deserved to die and I am proud to be there killer. I accept my sentence of death and I submit myself to the hangman. I am ready to die so send me to hell"

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