Need help identifying
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There was a YouTube video a few months ago, then got deleted. It was an Asian (possibly Chinese) movie/series. A girl was to be hanged, and there was a man (who possibly had a love for woman). Then he turned the woman his back lifted the handkerchief, and the woman was hanged. Anyone remember something like this?
I'm sure that one was copied over onto one or other of the familiar forums, but I'm damned if I can find it now.
So I managed to dig it out from where the YouTuber probably found it, the Chinese equivalent ''
According to the translators, the clip is from a drama series called 'Heart As Iron'.
Couldn't resist carrying on digging.
The series is also known as 'Will Of Steel', and the whole dam' thing is available on YouTube.
Episode 49 is the one we're interested in:
Very very big thanks
Thanks, don't think I've seen this.

Quote by AristarchusCouldn't resist carrying on digging.
The series is also known as 'Will Of Steel', and the whole dam' thing is available on YouTube.
Episode 49 is the one we're interested in:
nice hanging very nice

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