Executed girl's dress and undergamnets (ab)using
Forum Home > Public : General > Executed girl's dress and undergamnets (ab)usingIf we have a girl executed in pretty dress - what fate of it is hot for you? Buring her in it, keeping it or destroying immediate - by using it as a rag to clean scaffold or just by burning? Keeping it for executioner's female relatives, for solding, or for private executioner plays? Should executioner keep it in collection for long - or brutally use it in few days, cover it with sperm totally, rip it, clean boots by it etc?
Would it be exciting for you to have dress and know that pretty girl became dead in it, and may be agonized being trapped by it, and pissed it?
Would it be exciting for you to have dress and know that pretty girl became dead in it, and may be agonized being trapped by it, and pissed it?
She should be stripped of her dress immediately after execution by the executioner or his assistant along with any other clothing as aprt of their compensation and depending on her importance and the value of the dress, sell it intact as soon as possible or sell it in pieces as souvenirs to the crowd. her underskirts and other coothing to be sold as well.

Nice! Would you like to buy something from these things, and for which using?
the condemned woman's clothes belong to the executioner
if the tortured must be carried out in a shirt and bare feet, the executioner sometimes puts the shirt on her over her dress
the body of the tortured is then burned with the dress
if the tortured must be carried out in a shirt and bare feet, the executioner sometimes puts the shirt on her over her dress
the body of the tortured is then burned with the dress
Forum > Public / General > Executed girl's dress and undergamnets (ab)using