How do you feel about more "unusual" prisoners?
Forum Home > Public : General > How do you feel about more "unusual" prisoners?Judging by the type of content predominant on the site (not to mention the stories and images you guys write about), I imagine that most of us have a particular "type" of prisoner that they enjoy - a physically attractive lady in her 20s to early 30s, usually white. Obviously there's nothing wrong with having a preference, so this made me wonder - just how broad are you guys' preferences? Are you exclusively (or at least very predominantly) interested in the type of prisoner I described, or would you be interested in ANY prisoner, as long as they're female? And if the answer is somewhere in between, just what prisoners would you be interested in?
A trans woman? Or a (pre-op) trans man?
An overweight prisoner, be it just chubby or obese?
A prisoner that isn't considered traditional attractive?
A prisoner who is mature (in her late 40s, 50s or early 60s) or downright old (70s-80s)?
A prisoner who is very young, a teenager, school aged or even younger?
A prisoner who is pregnant?
A prisoner who is a relative, or otherwise someone you know as opposed to a stranger?
Some other prisoner type that my admittedly limited imagination didn't think of?
Whether you just like the "typical" attractive, young female I described earlier, any type of prisoner or somewhere in between - no judgment! I'm literally just curious about how you guys feel, as the galleries and stores, while sparking this post, might not be the best way to aggregate how the community feels.
A trans woman? Or a (pre-op) trans man?
An overweight prisoner, be it just chubby or obese?
A prisoner that isn't considered traditional attractive?
A prisoner who is mature (in her late 40s, 50s or early 60s) or downright old (70s-80s)?
A prisoner who is very young, a teenager, school aged or even younger?
A prisoner who is pregnant?
A prisoner who is a relative, or otherwise someone you know as opposed to a stranger?
Some other prisoner type that my admittedly limited imagination didn't think of?
Whether you just like the "typical" attractive, young female I described earlier, any type of prisoner or somewhere in between - no judgment! I'm literally just curious about how you guys feel, as the galleries and stores, while sparking this post, might not be the best way to aggregate how the community feels.
Well, I like Trans woman, transman, crossdressers(I am myself a crossdresser) or mature prisoners.
I find chubby very cute.
I am mostly attracted to people with Mediterranean skin tone(I am myself with this kind of skin), Slavian, sometimes I like some Asians(Koreans, Japanese, Turkic nations, Middle easterns) or Africans(specially Ethiopians and Eritreans).
The least people I am attracted to are Indians, Aborigines.
Also I am not really attracted to short people by short people I mean people who are less than 160 cm.
I feel discomfort when I see children, teenagers or pregnant in prison, even in movie or just in fantasy.
I find chubby very cute.
I am mostly attracted to people with Mediterranean skin tone(I am myself with this kind of skin), Slavian, sometimes I like some Asians(Koreans, Japanese, Turkic nations, Middle easterns) or Africans(specially Ethiopians and Eritreans).
The least people I am attracted to are Indians, Aborigines.
Also I am not really attracted to short people by short people I mean people who are less than 160 cm.
I feel discomfort when I see children, teenagers or pregnant in prison, even in movie or just in fantasy.

Well my choices has more to do with the real or perceived social condition or cultural norms of the condemned women in question.
For example the ladies that you mentioned "young white women" is certainly one of my favourites but it has little to do with her beauty or race. For example, I prefer the condemned white lady to be from the 1800s or early 1900s and not from the 2000s. Because I perception and my turn on has to do with the condition of the women in society. White lady of 1880s is more weak and helpless in general compared to a woman of 2010. A lady being hanged in public in 1850s was sort of scandalous while a lady being electrocuted or gassed in 2020 is probably morally unacceptable but certainly not scandalous as today we sort of expect ladies to be involved in crime but in 1880s the society would have expected a lady to be far away from it. For example, if the condemned lady is from 1880s, I will prefer her to be young and attractive white female, if she is from 2020, I would like to see her from Iran or Middle east in general. Because in my mind, I assume that an American or British lady of 2020 is socially more powerful than my liking, while and Iranian or Saudi lady is weaker and has more higher standard of expectation of being a good lady from the society. I like execution of trans women or more accurately crossdresser because of the same reason. A male to Female crossdresser is generally considered weak and vulnerable. I don't like things to involve children but early teens are sometimes exceptable if it has to do with a mother-daughter joint execution session.
So my choices will be.
1820s - White European Women.
1920s - Brown Indian Women.
2020s - Olive Middle Eastern women.
Hope I managed to explain.

I think I get it! Basically you enjoy the more "taboo" executions, where someone from a part of society who doesn't seem like your average criminal is executed. At least that was my impression! And I definitely think that for a "modern day" setting a trans prisoner makes the most sense in this context, as they're a very small part of the population and not really a demographic known for committing huge crimes worth being executed over - in fact it's quite opposite, trans folk are victimized way more often than they're the perp. So I think I agree with you there that there's appeal in stripping that vulnerability away and putting a trans criminal to death. The idea of a beautiful trans lady or a young trans man strapped down to the lethal injection table or walking to the noose is certainly exciting, as is the idea of a mom and a very young daughter being executed together.
It's not a question of taboo, or that Trans people deserve to be execution. It's just a personal taste for me, I like to see that regardless of the gender, trans or cisgender. I couldn't give an explanation for this fantasies.

Forum > Public / General > How do you feel about more "unusual" prisoners?