Par Ordre Du Roy - Possible Beheading
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An interesting one this. In 1983, France 2 produced a TV mini series entitled " Par Ordre Du Roy " which consisted of three 56 minute episodes.

The programme featured Madame Tiquet. That name might mean nothing to you but if you are a conscientious student of female beheading execution, you might know she was beheaded by sword for murder in 1699 by the ancestor of French Revolutionary guillotine Meister, Samson.

I am uncertain if Tique's death is featured but it's a good possibility it is recounted. Anyone got a clip? Anyone know how to obtain a copy of the TV series?
This is all I have, there were so many people being guillotined she hasn't got a lot of attention
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The first one is a portrayal of the unfortunate and doomed Madame Tiquet ...
Some whereI had a written description of the execution, they had to take cover because of rain, and then her dress was very revealing because it was very wet, and the headsman did not make a clean cut. artistas is making a reallistic gallery about she

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