Your Favourite Beheading Scenes
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I'm curious to discover what the beheading enthusiast's on here consider to be their favourite scenes.

I think there has been a dearth of quality scenes in recent times. This paucity has been exacerbated by promising scenarios being bitter disappointments, either in the mode of execution ( if you will forgive the pun ) or in a complete abandoning of the historical event itself.

In my opinion, the best recent portrayal was in Channel 5's 2016 series on Henry VIII's wives. The rendition of Catherine Howard's execution, while not entirely flawless, was, compared to recent efforts, quite ground-breaking. The acid test for me is: did the scene take my breath away and render me weak at the knees in admiration? Elena Valentine's performance certainly did.

Finally, what beheading scene hooked you? I was smitten on the genre by Lynn Frederick's Catherine Howard portrayAl in 1972's, The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Again, not without flaw, but that face ... that succulent neck ... that teasing dress ... My good God!
>Finally, what beheading scene hooked you?

Well, I go back to the 1960s, so:,_Queen_of_Scots

I can remember the heart-pounding sizzle...
Ah, yes, Archie, Genevieve Bujold in Anne of The Thousand Days is a formative classic.

I remember when I first saw it, waiting all weekend for it to appear on a Sunday afternoon and! What a scene. I think I was a teenager. Bujold was gorgeous. The delicate vulnerability of her slender neck contrasted with that brutally sharp sword ...

I was overwhelmed. If only Anne Boleyn execution scenes could aspire to that Gold Standard today ...
this is my favourite sword beheading
this is my favourite guillotine beheading

the bad part is that they never show the head being cut off :-(

Vivian Pickles in "Elizabeth R".. The way she offers her neck
Sumptuous ...

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