Has anyone here witnessed an execution?
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I've spoken with someone who had a really interesting perspective since public executions are performed in their country. I know some people who have witnessed horrible wartime executions of prisoners when they were a captive, but if anyone here has wtnessed a judicial execution I'd like to hear your experience, how it affected you and the wtinesses, what the victim went through, your opinion on whether it was justice or cruelty ect
I started using Vidlii and Peertube myself. With Peertube always check the policy of whatever instance you want to sign up for. Although Vidlii has kind of a small community at the moment.
Hi Poo. Seeing someone killed or even injured in real life would be too upsetting or traumatizing for most people including me. I know there are videos of gory real-life executions or fatal accidents out there. I avoid them like the plague. For me, the fantasy is in the helpless humiliating fair expectation of confinement or the pain of corporal punishment. Also, I am aware that many of the convictions in totalitarian governments are completely unjust. They sometimes give extremely long sentences or death penalty for minor crimes. China sadly has a reputation for executing people who commit minor offenses. There is no assumption of innocence until proven guilty, appeals are rarely granted, executions are performed quickly. Persons being executed do not get to make a statement or have last words. Attempting to do so can bring a harsh beating or having a rope tied tightly around the neck to keep you quiet. Here's a reference: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1994/03/27/chinas-executioners-a-punishing-schedule/094999ac-f8b8-470a-993b-f1b7e14b74ef/
LWFlouisa, thanks for mentioning Vidlii and Peertube. It seems like YT usually executes videos depicting execution. :)
I agree handsome, people being hurt (even criminals who are guilty) is upsetting to me as well, perhaps it is a strange cognitave dissonance that I struggle with but even seeing people cry I feel a compulsion to help them despite my morbid aesthetic fascinations. I am STRICTLY anti-capital punishment despite my enthusiasm for it's artistic depiction. I was curious more about what one's reaction to seeing such a thing would be.
I was a witness at two lethal gas executions, I was bit tense, at the first one but you couldn't' see any fumes, and the condemned in both just went to sleep The second one a fellow went with me, and he suddenly got very claustrophobic and tried to get out. Guard denied his exit saying he was a witness, and as they argued I walked up and told him the guy was gone. He just went to sleep. A couple of my friends who were homicide dicks and said on several occasions someone held there breath to no avail.
A fellow partner of mine came from Texas to our department and witnessed electrocutions these were very hard on the spectators. Terrible smell, and the condemned hitting the straps, urinating, and defecating. A friend in the New Police told me he had to assign someone to a hanging years ago, and one officer volunteered. He seemed very Keen to go, and after he returned he was drunk for three days.

terrible sma

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