A french actress for Mary Stuart
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What french actress would be perfect to play Marie Stuart?
Mmmmm, how about the succulent Lisa Seydoux?

Or, if you wish to recreate that authenticate more Middle Aged feel, Marion Cotillard?
I would vote for Marion Cotillard,
both for Mary Stuart and for Mata Hari.

Although I think that Adelaide Kane
has retired the trophy for Mary:

The Reign Mary beheading scene was all a bit of a tease, as far as I'm concerned. It was too clinically and aesthetically choreographed. Yes, by all means, indulge in artistic licence: but, ultimately, the beauty must be complimented by the looming terror of the axe and the malevolent leer of the headsman.

Adelaide Kane has sumptuous neck. Such a pity the execution scene didn't make more use of it.
>It was too clinically and aesthetically choreographed.

That's an interesting perspective.

Personally, I loved the exquisite choreography.
It made Adelaide's submission more dramatic,
and felt very, very intense.

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