What's your favorite "type" of prisoner?
Forum Home  >  Public : General  >  What's your favorite "type" of prisoner?

I've tried to post a topic like this before, but it didn't get a lot of attention - and it's something that I'm actually insanely curious about.

I know that most galleries on this site depict prisoners who are white, cis and traditionally good-looking (often in their 20s or early 30s), but is this your favorite "type" of prisoner? If not (or at least if not your sole favorite), what other types of prisoners do you enjoy imagining in an execution scenario?

A trans woman? Or a (pre-op) trans man?

An overweight prisoner, be it just chubby or obese?

A prisoner that isn't considered traditionally attractive?

A prisoner who is mature (in her late 40s, 50s or early 60s) or downright old (70s-80s)?

A prisoner who is very young, a teenager, school aged or even younger?

A prisoner who is pregnant?

A prisoner who is a relative, or otherwise someone you know as opposed to a stranger?

Some other prisoner type that my admittedly limited imagination didn't think of?

100% judgment-free, with no wrong answers - what prisoner "types" do you enjoy thinking about most? I am legitimately very curious to know what the community's tastes are, so all replies are more than welcome!
White females in their 20's-40's, good looking, skinny-medium build. For me these would be prisoners in an institution, not prison.

Quote by Jeff BanksWhite females in their 20's-40's, good looking, skinny-medium build. For me these would be prisoners in an institution, not prison.

The last part is pretty interesting to me. What would be the difference between an institution and a prison in your mind (at least the important parts which make you prefer one over the other)? Are executions still part of your institution fantasy, and if so, do they differ from the ones that would be performed in a prison?
I mean, the short answer is just Salma Hayek in THE HUNCHBACK, haha. That's my type.
A prisoner who is pregnant

Forum > Public / General > What's your favorite "type" of prisoner?

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