Fry Black Widow Fry
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Seen this now and its probably the best of its kind,Lita plays her role as the doomed Martha well.

The build up to the execution takes up the final 25 minutes of the 44 minute length,including leg shaving and diaper fitting.

Then its off to the chair,a slow strap down and wiring up is followed by the 'electrocution,and full marks to Lita for NOT wriggling and thrashing around when the 'voltage' hits.

She just stiffens up against the restraints and remains in that pose with just a minimal movement of her arm and clenched fist.

There is a couple of minor editing faults and the sponges on the helmet and leg should really be natural sponge rather than ones used for washing cars!
I agree it’s the most realistic and sexiest electric chair execution video I’ve seen. I would love to see them put that energy into a lethal injection video with a full table and arm boards etc plus bare feet of course.

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