Has anyone here witnessed executions?
Forum Home > Public : General > Has anyone here witnessed executions?I have heard some morbid stories from people from southeast asia, but I am curious how many of you have witnessed a real execution and could describe it, the process and the emotions.
Well, some years ago I was living ik Guatemala I remember it was in the middle of the 1990's two men were executed by firing squad on the morning. It was broadcasted in public television.
Here's the video
Here's the video

Interesting experience, thanks fot sharing. How did it make you feel?
Hopefully someday the death penalty will be a thing of the past.
Hopefully someday the death penalty will be a thing of the past.
I watched two at San Quentin, they just went to sleep, the only show was one of the other witnesses getting sick and trying to get out. He was told he was a witness and he had to stay and by the time it sunk in the whole thing was over. I felt both of them had it coming. One of my detective buddies watched several, and the only time he had a show was when a very small man got out of the straps twice. He was almost loose the second time and they dropped the pellets. He was so busy trying to get his belly straps off he didn't realize the drop and just suddenly stopped clawing at the straps.
Well those bastards deserved what they got. They rapped and killed a girl

It was just a job, the wo people got themselves there on their own, they had it coming
Well, I watched Saddam's execution while he was hanged, it was shared in the internet back then in 2000's.
I was very surprised that he was very calm, while people witnessing his executions were shouting and insulting him.
I was very surprised that he was very calm, while people witnessing his executions were shouting and insulting him.

What I find interesting is that Iraq (having been under British Influence for years) always hangs and still does hangs condemned people in the British style. With a rope going through a metal ring like a slip knot. Egypt does too. Saddam is driven to the gallows by the Americans, and supposedly turned over to the Iraqis to be hanged> Lo and behold, the rope and hangman's knot are in the American style, so who really hung him? The two executioners wore masks which is not uncommon but I am very suspicious. The first three pictures are in the British style, one is Egyptian, and the last two are American.
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well Karl if it is true (and I hope it was them and not an innocent person) then yes, they did deserve it. Actually much worse. Sexual crimes, people who hurt children, Nazis and Daesh fully deserve a horrible fate.
Hopefully someday the death penalty will be a thing of the past.
I hope so too, I hope it just stay as a fantasy.
Although, I fantasizes about execution, but fundamental I am against this kind of punishment, because it bring more harm than good. It more motivated by revenge than by Justice.

I still have a dork I sent to death row sitting there at taxpayers expense. Kidnapped and raped a seven year old girl, strangled her, and buried her out in the minefields. She was still alive, but suffocated. When you see and work with the victims you have a different out look. The other Child was killed about the same time, and after that he died of Covid this last year. The only exception I would make would be for all those prey animals be put on an island for themselves and left to prey on each other.
There are many crimes of passion, circumstances of one's upbringing, or just moments of sin, that I believe the criminal can be reformed and become a good, productive person.
But anyone who hurts an innocent little one like that has fully ceased to be human...
But anyone who hurts an innocent little one like that has fully ceased to be human...
ummmm no. they don't have public executions where I'm at. otherwise I'd see event banners for it.
Forum > Public / General > Has anyone here witnessed executions?