execution scenes
Forum Home > Public : General > execution sceneshi i love seeing execution scenes wherein the condemned is wearing a tunic dress, perhaps maybe you guys can share some if it’s fine.

btw here are the examples of the tunics that i am talking about
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I like white shift or night gowns, as well as white petticoat with ruffled hem.

I’ve always liked the dress Sharon Stone wears for the execution scene in Last Dance. Probably the best female lethal injection scene in a movie. Though of coarse I’ve always hated that she had shoes on.
Here the condamned is a little bit more dressed. By the curling of her toes, she must be experiencing the brutal jerk caused by the sudden arrest of her dropping body by the rope. Soon it will be unconvenient to remain below her shaking body for higienic reasons, of course.
This was a picture made for a friend of mine which whom we had roleplayed a lot of hangings and garrotings, sometimes as me as the executioner and she as the condamned, sometimes the opposite and a few times as both of us being executed. The feet of the woman being hanged are her own feet, we always went to the scaffold barefoot and she loved it.
This was a picture made for a friend of mine which whom we had roleplayed a lot of hangings and garrotings, sometimes as me as the executioner and she as the condamned, sometimes the opposite and a few times as both of us being executed. The feet of the woman being hanged are her own feet, we always went to the scaffold barefoot and she loved it.
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The beheading scene is not a video it is a series by Necklover00 they pop up every once in a while, I have had trouble finding full size ones
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Another unfortunate young murderess sentenced to the garrote and taken to the scaffold in the town's main square. She is wearing the mandatory black tunic (hopalanda) and cap (birrete) and goes barefoot and upon her demise her body will remain exposed on the garrote until sunset as a remainder of her sad end and a deterrent for potential criminals.
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Forum > Public / General > execution scenes