Looking to someone to draw for me
Forum Home > Public : General > Looking to someone to draw for meI'm looking for someone to draw my friend on a death row - she's into femme fatale and I plan to gift the drawing. Can someone help? Sharing is allowed with secrecy.

The execution method - hanging. And again, yes you can share the work elsewhere without revealing the reference ones. That's a fabor for drawing without commission.

Hi, the request is still actual if anyone can.
Thanks for Owl27 for initial support.
Thanks for Owl27 for initial support.

Sent you a PM, but you didn't seem to be interested. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think you'll find what you're looking for if you want people to draw for free while also being super picky. You can't realistically expect someone to draw you a fully colored and shaded commission worth $50-100 at the very least for free just because "they get to post it". That's not how it works, and you need to be a little more realistic by either accepting sketch/line-art or paying.
Pmed you, there is a misunderstanding. Been working with Owl for couple weeks now but as there are natural time problems on his side I decided to post again. Forgot about your dm.

Forum > Public / General > Looking to someone to draw for me