Tales of Female Executions & Execution Tales
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My second book "Tales of Female Executions" has just been published & is available via Amazon. In summary:

"Tales of Female Executions is a comprehensive, worldwide and detailed collection of stories about women who have been put to death from early medieval times up to the present day

Female executions have always excited more interest than those of men probably because in comparison to male executions the number of them always has been, and still is, very small. Also, the idea of a defenceless and vulnerable woman being subjected to the formal and remorseless judicial process of capital punishment seems to generate a sense of morbid fascination in many people. This is especially true if the victim is young and attractive.

In these pages you will find the “Mad”, such as 28-year-old Mary Barton “The Holy Maid of Kent”, who was executed in 1534 in London for treason. She was hanged, her head cut off and put on public display.

There are many examples of the “Bad” like Mary Ann Cotton, 32, who was hanged in Durham in the northeast of England in 1873 for poisoning twenty-one people.

In the category of “Evil beyond belief” are 22-year-old Irma Grese, the “Beast of Belsen”, who was executed by the Allies for war crimes after the end of World War II.

There are also several cases of the wretched and unfortunate such as 18-year-old Mary Jones. Desperate to feed her children she stole some lace. She was sentenced to death for shoplifting and hanged at Tyburn in London in 1771."

The cover of the book is attached

My first published novel "Execution Tales" is also still available on Amazon. The cover synopsis of this work of fiction says:

"Serial killing is far from a new phenomenon. In the mid-late 19th Century in the eastern part of the United States of America, after the end of the Civil War, Jane and Josiah Edwards, inspired by Chicago’s Doctor Herbert Holmes, who had turned his hotel into a human abattoir, set about their killing spree with meticulous organisation, obsessive determination and sadistic enjoyment.

The Edwards were sexually obsessed by the judicial executions of young women and girls, preferably by slow and agonising hanging. Initially they satiated their depraved desires by reading about these type of executions and then by attending the public hangings of amongst others Ann Bilansky, who had poisoned her husband, Mary Suratt one of the conspirators convicted of participating in the assassination of President Lincoln, Marie Manning and her husband in London who had killed their lodger and Bridget Durgan who had murdered her employer. Mr and Mrs Edwards decided to make their own entertainment after the abolition of public executions in the USA and in most developed European countries including the United Kingdom.

Three other young women, who like Mr and Mrs Edwards, were sexually obsessed by the preferably protracted and extremely painful hanging of young women decided to embark on their own campaign of murder when they learned about the activities of the Edwards."

The cover of this book is also attached

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