Blood, Sex & Royalty: Anne Boleyn Execution
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This portrayal of Anne's demise was pretty damn good. Indeed, compared to recent disasters, this perhaps shades into a classic scene of the genre.

The action is broken up a bit but I'm sure some technical wizardry from an enthusiast on here could patch it all up and transform it into the thing of coherent beauty it should be.

Some interesting camera angles and a convincingly lovely performance from the actress.

Sorry, I don't have a link. But, trust me, this is excellent stuff.
Many thanks for the reminder, I was forgetting about this, not being my customary speciality.

Trust this will go some way to satisfying the aficionados:-
What an absolutely superb depiction. I'd put this one up with Anne of a Thousand Days. Many thanks, Aristarchus.
It's superlative, Sam. Not quite flawless but one of the best in the Canon.
>I'd put this one up with Anne of a Thousand Days

I saw Anne of a Thousand Days in a theater, and it burned itself into my memory.

But this one is even better. I'm rating it 10/10, and awarding it first place.

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This was good although the cheesy music at the end made it worse. I do like a blindfold, so it annoys me when they miss out that aspect.

However I think I preferred the Wolf Hall scene, it was a bit more gritty and the angles were better, with high quality. Also there was a bit of an aftermath, arhough the 2003 Movie had the best aftermath, with Anne’s severed head being held up, and the blindfold being removed.
Nice. This seems to be the same venue as for the execution of Mary Stewart here
Well, I believe that Anne of a Thousand Days and Wolf Hall were much more accurate. What I cannot stand is a lady being prepared to be beheaded and her ladies in waiting not making her neck completely nude.

Quote by KariNice. This seems to be the same venue as for the execution of Mary Stewart here

You are most certainly correct. I searched at the time but couldn't confirm the location.
Thanks to Booth over at TheDarkSpot who has just today come up with this:-
Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania
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It was a decent enough execution for Anne Boleyn but I prefered the Mary Queen of Scot's one at the same place. That showed Mary being disrobed by her executioners as she actually was rather than by her ladies in waiting and also the multiple strokes of the ax. The only thing missing was her arms being thrown out to the side to brace her neck and as a signal to the executioner to strike. Two of the Catherine Howard and Jane Grey executions here show the arms outstretched but not the disrobing by the executioner. Jane Grey was horrified and recoiled in shock when the executioner approached her and started to take off her dress. She did not realize she had to partially undress to be beheaded and no one had told her. Mary is recorded as saying that she had never before undressed before such and audience and with such helpers as the executioner and his assistant began to undress her.
As beheadings in movies are necessarily cut short (sorry) it is a pity that they don't make the build up better and get the detail of the preparations.

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