After a beheading execution
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When a beauty death convict get beheading execution after being totally undressed, and her decapitated head is exhibited to public, which do you prefer how her beautiful headless naked body is be dealt with?

1. is buried somewhere
2. is laid on a shelf
3. is knelt down (maybe is skewered from the anus to the neck-cut stump)
4. is hung at a pole(straightly or reversely)
5. another way you want
#4. Next to head on a pike

Quote by Cfoam#4. Next to head on a pike

If her headless nudity is hung at the same pike (below her beautiful decapitated head), is it good to you?
Yes ...absolutely
I lovely chair and my head on a silver platter on a table next to me
The body should be displayed next to the head, which is on a platter or on a spike in my humble opinion!

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