Forum Home > Public : General > StakedamselsDoes anyone know if the forum at this site is still running? I am no longer a member but I recommended it to a friend and he has tried to join but got no response from either the site moderator or the owner. It used to be an ieresting site for BATS.

Thanks for that Shusha. It seems like no one is actually letting new members in or responding to mail about it. I guess it's just a zombie forum that works for current members but isn't actually being moderated or managed any more.

Yes he did that a few weeks back but got no reply. I guess it's a zombie site now.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.

I confirm. The site is active but seemingly it is not moderated anymore.
Paul, the administrator of this site has uploaded the post until recently. He also posted a reply on the forum. It is reasonable to check the mail again.
Forum > Public / General > Stakedamsels