What to wear on the gallows
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Would you prefer to be hanged barefoot, perhaps with something, trousers or a skirt, that reaches just beyond the knees? Or would you rather be hanged with boots or shoes on your feet?
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My fantasies about getting executed on the gallows aren't too romantic. I go, either alone or with others, my female partner included, in prison garb and barefoot and with my ankles shackled, very humiliating and of course I enjoy the thought...
over size beige tights and in stockinged feet or coffee colored pantyhose with reinforced panty and toe also with no shoes on and on a very short shackle around the ankles a skirt for modesty but for humiliation having it removed before mounting the steps.
To Pavel,
Interesting the chain idea! But how would you prefer it? Long, so as not to cause a total impediment to the flailing of the feet due to the hanging, or would you prefer it short, which would prevent the flapping of the feet freely in the air?

Quote by AliasTo Pavel,
Interesting the chain idea! But how would you prefer it? Long, so as not to cause a total impediment to the flailing of the feet due to the hanging, or would you prefer it short, which would prevent the flapping of the feet freely in the air?

A chain about 30-45 cm long would be fine. Kicking barefoot and shackled while dangling and being strangled by the noose would add an extra drop of excitement to my dark fantasy. Like in this image: I posed for this accompanying image and just swapped the face, of course, it's me being hanged along my female partner!
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Quote by AliasWould you prefer to be hanged barefoot, perhaps with something, trousers or a skirt, that reaches just beyond the knees? Or would you rather be hanged with boots or shoes on your feet?

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From which movie it is?
I'm on Pavels side concerning this topic. I realy prefer the condemned in some kind of prison issue looking dress or shirt and skirt combo, idealy ending somewhat below her knee. And yeah, i also think shackles around wrists and ankles is the best way to restrain a girl bound for the noose (Leg iron chain long enough for her to walk or dance while she struggles in the noose, but still short enough that she is somewhat hempered in her movements). Although i'm somewhat indifferent on the part of shoes or barefoot. She might be issued with shoes as part of her prison uniform or she might have to make due with walking barefoot, somewhat of a question of the daily mood for me.
I like the Turkish hanging system
where the victim must wear a long white dress to be executed under a tripod
the chains on the feet would not facilitate the ascent on the stool

striped prison uniform and forced bare feet!

Quote by svippostriped prison uniform and forced bare feet!

Like that? ;)
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As some of you may recall, I believe that a proper lady's formal execution calls for high standards.
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This is mandatory for all female condemned prisoner. Suitable for hanging, garrotte electric chair or guillotine.

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What do you think of the red robe like the Egyptian arts?
Mandatory restraints and hood for executions
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Quote by archie871As some of you may recall, I believe that a proper lady's formal execution calls for high standards.
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I agree!

Quote by Pavel
Quote by svippostriped prison uniform and forced bare feet!

Like that? ;)
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yes <3
Personally I find that it depends on the execution fantasy - fully naked prison or judicial hangings always feel unprofessional to me, but sometimes the fantasy is more Conan or Red Sonja stereotype so it is more appropriate for there to be nothing or for what is worn to be fairly limited.

That said my preference is generally towards clothed - something appropriate for the setting of the execution fantasy. Something like "Dropped!" the preference is towards simpler clothes that make sense as disposable for a prison. Something like a fantasy middle east equivalent might be the simple robes like the aforementioned Egyptian ones paired with a headscarf, or something like a Norse blot might vary depending on the victim. I also think doing it like this focuses the fantasy towards the execution and/or character of the condemned over staring at the body. It adds a certain dignity to it, one that can contrast with the loss of it as the hanging continues or the body is dealt with afterwards.

I also generally prefer the legs to be left free to kick or to climb the stool, though I pretty firmly like the hands to be bound (preferably behind) since that just makes sense and avoids the 'reach for the noose' reaction. Generally not fond of hoods, though it can fit depending on the fantasy in question.
My 'preferred' outfit for victims on the gallows would be a long gown- either white or grey- made out of semi-transparent materials, with a black bra and panties underneath. Ideally the dress should be just opaque enough to look 'appropriate', while giving the audience and the executioner a good view of her form and her body. I'd prefer either bare feet, or loose shoes that fall off when the condemned is kicking.

I'd prefer for feet to be unbound, though a long chain around the ankles isn't bad. Hoods are a no-no IMO.

Full nudity/
My outifits, always a dress, depend on the setting, and sometimes the method. I'd wear a simple black, white, blue or gray prison dress. Nothing fancy, probably a button up, and fitted at the waist, in anything 1850s and beyond. Being executed before then, I'd probably werar a simple but elegant black or white dress. My wrists are always bound behind me (or cuffed if I'm going to the electric chair or gas chamber or for lethal injection), and I usually like to wear ankle chains, with a waist chain perhaps.

However, if I'm being hanged or shot in a prison camp, I'd probably be wearing a slightly fitted gray or blue smock dress, wrists bound or cuffed, and ankles chained.

I would either be executed barefoot or wearing plain black flats.

Quote by archie871As some of you may recall, I believe that a proper lady's formal execution calls for high standards.
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This is a wonderful outfit. I also like the one in your profile pic.
>I also like the one in your profile pic.

Thank you.

That's Caroline Crale, from "Five Little Pigs", hanged in a proper English gallowsroom circa 1925.
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Quote by archie871>I also like the one in your profile pic.

Thank you.

That's Caroline Crale, from "Five Little Pigs", hanged in a proper English gallowsroom circa 1925.
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It's a great look! Found the episode to watch later.
Anything that is appropriate for the scene/scenario.

Never ever naked ;)

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