When did you first realise you were interested in this kind of thing?
Forum Home > Public : General > When did you first realise you were interested in this kind of thing?I was always drawn to the Terrible Tudors Horrible Histories book whenever the library van came to school. Can't imagine why...
when I was a teen and watched I want to live, when she was told she woulsd have to go in stocking feet and then asked for a blindfold in all my stories I add these details oh and enemas too lol if I were ever executed 1 would be an enema 2 shoes removed (stockinged feet not bare) 3 a blindfold in that order......lol

discovering the image of Jeanne at the Bucher in her long virginal white dress
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Yes it was Jeanne that started it for me too. This picture in an old magazine. I imagined myself standing there with the soldier's hand on my shoulder looking at that terrible post and the pile of wood around it knowing that I would soon be standing up there.
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Ever since puberty, I found depictions of female executions- especially hangings- 'interesting', in a way I couldn't ever seem to understand. I would look at websites that talked about it commonly. For all the time I didn't really understand why- while I could tell I was getting aroused, I didn't really believe it was a sex thing since I had never heard any mention of an execution fetish before. I would tell myself I was doing it out of curiousity of history.
It wasn't until I found this site that I realized the reason behind my interest.
It wasn't until I found this site that I realized the reason behind my interest.
Guys, the movies about feamales executed of captired have some appeal it started for me at some black and withe Zorro's movie wher he saved the woman from the gallows. I realised that a part of me wanted to watch the hanging instead of rescue. THis whole website is a prove that we are all fascinated in femex. I mean those directors and producers. They realise that it is a topic. Look at the number of movies where ther is a fem ex as a main or important subject. Are there so many movies about men executions? I do not think that anyone could find them interested. Yet if you look at statistics only a minor part of all convicts were women
I saw a carnival magic act with a cheesy guillotine illusion involving a willing participant at a young age, and it really stuck with me.
After that, I found myself excited whenever there was a possible sacrifice or execution in a film or series, especially beheading or similar. It wasn't until poking around in dark corners of the internet as a teen that I stumbled upon dolcett related content and really got it.
After that, I found myself excited whenever there was a possible sacrifice or execution in a film or series, especially beheading or similar. It wasn't until poking around in dark corners of the internet as a teen that I stumbled upon dolcett related content and really got it.
These images sparked my fascination with the topic…
I am a lifelong fan of Axe and Block
I am a lifelong fan of Axe and Block
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Playing war as a kid, when executions always happened. Mostly just informal, ad hoc firing squads but they intrigued me.
As I grew up, I was drawn to history books and war films.
As I grew up, I was drawn to history books and war films.
For me it was gradual: it all started by watching the Aladdin animated series, an episode where Jasmine is almost executed. As someone else has already written, I too realized that I would have preferred to witness her execution, but without being able to explain why. I searched for more femex content on youtube and realized that my sentiment was still the same. Then I found this site, and it was like discovering a gold mine, especially since I now know I'm not the only one with an innate and inexplicable sense of appreciation for femex.

Also in my case it was gradual, I can't recall a precise moment for which I could say "it was that time". But I remember the first time I realized definitely I was attracted by women's executions, when a schoolmate, a girl I already liked, put her pretty head in a fake guillotine in a park (there was a kind of fair) and played being executed. How cute she was!
Similar story to the other graduals, though I think the moment I understood what it was occurred after seeing PavelN's manipulations/drawings and m0zg's drawings back when those guys were still allowed on DeviantART.
One of the first images would have been Ruth Snyder in the Electric Chair in a book from the library when I was about 8!
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It was when I was 8 years old in 1874 and watch "I Want to Live," on TV and was drawn to the scene where Susan Hayward was told to take off her shoes. Since then, I have had a bog fascination with women going to the gas chamber (American style gas chamber).

Forum > Public / General > When did you first realise you were interested in this kind of thing?