Themis AI Series updates
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I'll start a new thread for my AI series updates and sneak peaks. Y'all are welcome to share your ideas/feedbacks here.
I'll release Series 4 this week, will be a non-death-penalty case.

Here's a preview (of prisoner profile sheet) for the new character:

If the name sounds familiar to to a male version that's been in the news, yes, premise of this story is slightly inspired by a real-life person currently in detention.
She must have a date with the needle
Good start
>She must have a date with the needle

Now that I've seen all 214 images...she might have been better off that way.
Would be nice to have her on date with needle
Paul, the story is nice, but still I would preferr to see her executed, perhaps she could get desperated by her situation and kill someone from the prison's staff and then get the capital punishment?
I may continue Julia's story later on. I do want to do a lethal injection story, possibly next, though it's gonna be more challenging.
Paul, wow, the graphics and story is amazing. Have you shared what tools you are using? Would love to try making one myself, but time is limited. Also I prefer this kind of story, not death but much worse than than death... a relatively long sentence under distressful conditions. Let them have a nice time for a while in the general prison population, gardening and drinking tea under a tree, scantily dressed. But a huge list of impossible rules, so that about once a week for the slightest infraction she has a "Timeout." The timeout is always nude and includes isolation, sleep deprivation, pain and humiliation. Cameras broadcast the timeouts onto large video screens around the prison campus, "as a deterrent", LOL.
I mentioned in another thread that I use stable diffusion in general, but the setup varies a lot depending on how you use it and what hardware you have access to.
Great, I like the Musgraves!
Looking forward to the lethal injections.
Series V just released. Note on the new "comic mode": Left and right arrows on keyboard will work if you want to go through the slides that way. On mobile device, you can also swipe left/right over the story text. The reason I didn't apply swiping on the image itself is because you won't be able to pinch to zoom/in on the picture.
it's really a great innovation
thank you paul
Very well done, Paul.
Really Very well done @paul
Fantastic stories , great narrations and superb images !!
AI is changing our life !
Paul, the Musgrave story is fantastic.
That was a brilliant story, Paul!

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