Gallows Hill - hanging execution
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One of the best animation executions I've seen. The two executioners dressed in black and red latex really seem to enjoy their work. The condemned woman's facial expressions are well done through out the scenes.
It was made by Tom. Also he had written some female execution stories in German about executioner Sara.
Thanks, Shusha. Do you know where I can find Tom's stories? Do you know if Sara is the one in black or red?
The stories were posted many times at different forums. I didn't save them because I can't read German. Sara is the one in black.
I can read and translate German. If you find them again I will translate and repost in English.
I have got two Sara's stories in English.
"Sarah's Adventure - the Girls' Boarding School" and "SARAH'S ADVENTURE - THE SUICIDE VICTIM"
How can I send them to you?
Please send them to my email address: thanks.
Did not receive the stories. Please try again. Thanks
Sent the second time. May be you should check the spam folder.
Our hanging section would be a lot less interesting if Shusha's emails were spam :P

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