Snow Wolf Guerrilla ?
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I feel obliged to start a discussion about this, as I have doubts about the given title.
There is a series 'Snow Wolf Guerrilla' which I have scanned through, and see little resemblance to these images.
I have found an unedited sequence from an unidentified movie which would appear to be the correct source:-

There are countless attempts to name this within the YouTube comments, none of which seem to be correct on a quick inspection.
One Chinese title in particular is often repeated, but each attempt to search or translate it annoyingly throws up different results.
It would appear that there are a multitude of series in similar vein, and after checking a dozen or so, I'm having to take a breather.
Perhaps someone else would care to take up the baton.
As you were.
Should've thought of this yesterday. Went back and resorted the comments to 'Newest First', and whaddyaknow!
After a year of incorrect suggestions, six days ago someone at last comes up with the right answer.

The series is called 女子特戰隊 'Women's Special Operations Team' or 'Women's Special Warfare Team' or 'Women's Special Forces'
Or even, if you accept the name given to the full series online at YouTube, 霹雳女娇娃 'Thunderbolt Girls'!

Whatever, our sequence of vidcaps come from Episode 4, the full version of which can be viewed here:-

Thanks for finding the source. I ran some translations and it seems like the title can also be Thunderbolt Girl or Charlie's Angels.

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