De Sade Issue 114
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I just saw this interesting comic among the new additions to this site. Can anyone who is fluent in Italian translate or give me a general idea of the stuff leading up to the lady being guillotined?

Quote by firemaidenI just saw this interesting comic among the new additions to this site. Can anyone who is fluent in Italian translate or give me a general idea of the stuff leading up to the lady being guillotined?
I did actually use Google translate to see what it said, but I didn't save it, sorry. It's an 'interesting' (inaccurate) take on the execution of Marie Antoinette.
Your reply motivated me to type everything into an online translator for myself, which was time consuming, but worth it.

So, now I know that the comic goes basically like this:

Marie Antoinette is told that she will be executed in private for security reasons. However, when she lays her head on the block, the executioner puts a piece of ice against her neck instead of a sword. The other men laugh, which confuses and then angers her.

The prison warden/leader admits that it was a prank, but he goes on to state that they were also giving her a taste of things to come, since the iciness is apparently similar to the sensation of a blade.

The men leave her alone afterwards. On the day of her actual execution, Marie Antoinette still doesn't believe it will really happen and cheerfully greets the crowd before she reaches the guillotine and finally realizes it's not a joke. Of course, by this time, it is too late, and she can only hope to be reunited with her husband after death.

The blade is then dropped, and the rest is history.

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