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Hi guys and gals,

Let me introduce myself:
My name is John (aka BigJohn) and I'm the owner/webmaster of the website and annabellesfantasy.
I'm a member of the community since the ninetees and I'm sure you've heard about the site:) (former Annabellesfantasy and SnuffingAnnabelle) is a private member’s club running since 2001. The site is featuring death fetish and asphyxiation.
hanging - strangling - drowning - bagging - decapitation - guillotine - electrocution - electric chair - gassing - poisoning - stabbing - slashing - amazons and all other kinds of death!
Our site is based on member's input which means that our members can post their request(s) on our forum and - when possible -, we'll produce it!

Our members have access and are allowed to download over 900 movies and over 260 photo sets which is less than 0.03 per video or photo set!
On top of that ALL our members have FREE access to “”, a site with over 150 photo sets. Annesdreams is updating EVERY DAY with archive material and every FRIDAY with 3 brandnew productions.

I'm posting on several boards and - after contacting Paul - I'm going to post all our BRANDNEW productions here every week.
Think it will be a nice supplement for the site as I always enclose pics which are never seen before.

If you want to take a look at all our updates please take a look at our page:
If you decide to join our website you'll be asked to join “” a platform with A LOT of websites (they're ALL FREEBEES!).
With SAME username and password you'll receive however, you'll have direct access to ANNESDREAMS as well!

Price is in Euros 34,95 (monthly recurring) but of course you're able to cancel anytime you want. I personally take care of everything myself.
Feel free to add your feedback to our productions (good or bad!) :)

If there are any questions, feel free to ask me here or send an e-mail to: annesdreams[at]gmail[dot]com


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