Tell me about what you like about your favorite execution scenarios
Forum Home > Public : General > Tell me about what you like about your favorite execution scenariosI like the idea of being hoisted up by a crane like an Iranian execution
Execution of a lady who are wearing huge dress - pannieres, crinoline, etc - what is making some troubles for executioner and malfunctions for the lady.)
Not execution exactly but I love the hanging peril situations in which our damsel is strung up by her throat by bad guys, her life threatened by the snare.

Guillotine execution of a lady where the executioner makes sure that there is enough neck exposed for a clean cut; ties her hair up, makes sure neck/shoulders are exposed, etc. Lady is tied to the bascule/tilting table and lowered into the lunette. The moment where her head goes through the little window along with her neck lowered and trapped in the lunette is probably one of the best parts.
excellent indeed
what matters to me are all the long preliminaries to the execution
this moment when the executioner seizes the condemned to apply the complex, painful and humiliating sentence which will lead to her death
Forum > Public / General > Tell me about what you like about your favorite execution scenarios