Where can I find these clips ?
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The grand

Five little pigs

CAt ballou

They seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth

Any suggestions ?
And "A Dark Adapted Eye" no? I've never found it anywhere.
Those are actually fairly easier to find compared to most of what I post.

I think The Grand was on youtube somewhere too.

Quote by g4ll0wsAnd "A Dark Adapted Eye" no? I've never found it anywhere.

Hmmm, have I posted this one on my site? don't remember if this show went by another title or if I've procured a video for it. Is it the ending scene where the lady stares up at the gallows but doesn't show the actual hanging?
Yes, there is prison female hanging.
I have sent some stills.
Got it, thanks shusha! I do recognize it now, I think I have a clip somewhere, if I ever come across it going through my collection, I'll post it on youtube.
Really? I never saw it. I would like to view the scene.
Thank you folks
I am making a long video of everything I have found so far it's 73 mins long of female judicial execution by hanging !

I am missing now the

trooper 701 footages - where can they be found ?

I will be able to got hold of THE GRAND AND FIVE LITTLE PIGS in a few days

Got home, actually found A Dark Adapted Eye in my regular movie collection instead of stuff for this site :) here's the hanging clip

Thank you! Could you post also the preparations for execution and the walking to the gallows? I remember the screenshots.
The Grand
Five Little Pigs

are on my mediafire page in HQ/HD

Thank you

Where can I access trooper 701 series please
stagevu.com/video/kglyelbuhtfd here is the five little pigs video . you can download it.
The original ‘Trooper 701’ clip was superceded when the full video emerged.
I then cut the new longer clip featuring all the girls, when it was renamed ‘Female Prisoners In Cell 16’, a rough translation of the title of the Fa-Pro DVD.
I’ve put up a new copy which will remain available for a short while.


Apart from here where does like minded people meet and discuss eg forums these days

I used to be on yahoo groups but they are long gone

Quote by g4ll0wsThank you! Could you post also the preparations for execution and the walking to the gallows? I remember the screenshots.

Thanks. I searched it for years.

Forum > Public / General > Where can I find these clips ?

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