Hanged (2024)
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Oh my giddy aunt! Where, oh where is the video source of these glorious pictures?

This is the long lost unexpurgated version of 'Aap Beeti - Faisla', previously only available via my mashed-up concoction,
featuring the 100x magnification of a phone app's miniscule image.
Never mind, found it.


Thank you immensely to whoever discovered this.
I thought I've seen it! I manually looked at every thumbnail i had and didnt see it but thanks for finding it. Someone did send me that link but I suspected it's an unofficially stitched movie.
Maybe this is the original
Holy Shit, paul! Thanks for the great find. "Aap Beeti" really pushed the Indian TV censorship board to the last inch.
UPDATE: Sorry to break it up to you Aristarchus! It seems like the new version has some scenes cut off as well. Old version already on youtube has a scene where guards come to take her to the gallows, unlocks her cell door and she looks frightened as hell. Dragging to the gallows comes after that. Hopefully, you'll be at peace after this revelation !
No worries CC, already sussed that myself.
Yes the new version misses out the sequence you describe, but at least it restores the views of the girl herself during the execution scene, all of which were completely missing during these past years.
The video linked by Frobotz above appears to be the 'official' re-issue, in Hindi and with the original colouring.
But even this is missing the audio from the 'long-lost' portion.

The new video (that got me all excited to start with) is a reworking of the re-issue.
It has removed the background from the execution scene, to feature new colouring and lighting.
It also replaces the soundtrack with dialogue in the Tamil language, and takes the opportunity to fill in the missing audio with some music (much like I did with my early mash-up. Great minds etc, though I actually prefer mine!)

All in all, I've reworked my personal edit by cadging from everywhere. Enhanced video from the Tamil, missing scene from an old version, original soundtrack from the Hindi. And MY music.

Haha, That's a splendid mixtape you've cooked up! YOUR music is definitely better for the scene. Cheers!

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