New Story:My return to writing Femex
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As anyone who has visited the Stories board will know, two years ago I posted three stories here: Days of Revolution Issues 1 and 2, and Times of Bronze and Stone. Having encountered a bit of writers block with my mainstream project, I have decided to continue with these. I have several ideas, and would appreciated it if you could all vote for the story you would most want to see.
Third instalment of Days of Revolution (18th century-early 19th century)-guillotine.
Second instalment of Times of Bronze and Stone (prehistoric-early Bronze Age)-mostly axe.
[PROVISIONAL TITLE] Of Treason and Kings (16th-17th century)-axe/sword
[PROVISIONAL TITLE] Age of Fealty (medieval)-various
[PROVISIONAL TITLE] In the Name of City and Emperor (Bronze Age-Classical Period)-various

Please put the name in the comments, and any specifics you would wish to see.
Third instalment of Days of Revolution (18th century-early 19th century)-guillotine.
In the Name of City and Emperor (Bronze Age-Classical Period)-various
I'm also for the Third instalment of Days of Revolution (18th century-early 19th century)-guillotine.
3rd instalment of Days of revolution, but I do like the idea of ,Of Treason and Kings’.
[PROVISIONAL TITLE] Of Treason and Kings (16th-17th century)-axe/sword or
[PROVISIONAL TITLE] Age of Fealty (medieval)-various
I want fewer victims but more details.
The announcement of the verdict in court and on the scaffold.
Also interested in the conversation and sex between the condemned woman and the executioner on the eve of the execution
The arousal of the condemned woman and other characters in the novel
I’m in favor of a 3rd installment of Days of Revolution. The prolific use of the guillotine is a favorite of mine, especially with a French Revolution-esque background (which Vol. 1 did amazingly).
Age of Fealty could be really cool, too! Interested to see what the medieval era of your world has to offer.

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