Rongin Nobab Sirajuddaula
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Another interesting retread (of sorts)
We have seen a previous version of this, though of inferior quality:-

I believe it IS the same movie, but I'm not certain which should be the correct title.
It's worth noting that although most online translators accept 'Rongin Nobab Sirajuddaula' as a proper name,
my Edge browser's inline translator reads that phrase as 'Colourful Nawab Sirajuddaula'.
It might be a remake of some sorts; a few days agi I found a movie remade an additional THREE times!

Quote by AristarchusAnother interesting retread (of sorts)
We have seen a previous version of this, though of inferior quality:-

I believe it IS the same movie, but I'm not certain which should be the correct title.
It's worth noting that although most online translators accept 'Rongin Nobab Sirajuddaula' as a proper name,
my Edge browser's inline translator reads that phrase as 'Colourful Nawab Sirajuddaula'.

The movie name is 'Nobab Sirajuddaula'. It's an old Bangladeshi movie, loosely based on the life of Nawab ( pronounced Nobab in Bengali) Sirj Ud Daulah. He was the last independent Nawab ( equivalent to Viceroy/ Governor, but hereditary ruler) of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. His defeat and death led to the beginning of the colonisation of the Indian Subcontinent by the British East India Company ( later the British Empire)

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