Já, Olga Hepnarová
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Já, Olga Hepnarová a film about the last woman hanged in Czechoslovakia in 1975,(by short drop) is due for release this year.

No idea if the execution will be shown fully.

Found a couple of pictures...

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In the second picture, it looks like she's in the room adjacent to the execution chamber. I'm hopeful!
Thanks for bring this to our attention.
Hello I found some Trailers but there is no execution scene. Does anyone knew more or has seen the movie elsewhere ?

It was on the International Berlin Film festival recently - did anyone see it there?

There are a few review out

== Quote
The film’s sensitive handling of Hepnarova’s frustrated homosexuality will earn Weinreb and Kazda’s joint debut feature additional exposure on the LGBT festival circuit. Even with that niche in mind, however, it’s hard to see many distributors stumping up for a film that makes fellow murderess biopics “Monster” and “Dance With a Stranger” look positively life-affirming by comparison. Unforgivingly rigorous to its final, exactingly composed monochrome frame, “I, Olga Hepnarova” shows us scarcely a flickering moment of light or joy in its anti-heroine’s short, loveless life, depicted on screen from adolescence upwards.

None explicitly say, but reading between the lines they suggest that the execution scene will be implied.

The execution scene was filmed. Check the lead actress Facebook profile pictures. ;-)
I have no account at Facebook but I think the execution scebe was filmed. I have seen behind the scenes photo with the gallows.
Ahh - you mean these?

I could not find any photos about the execution, despite looking.

Good find, looks like we may have some payoff, although I suspect they will fade out before the drop.
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That's an editor or director choice. However it was prepared and filmed.
Another pic
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At last, finally found a download of this.
Unfortunately the production shots were misleading.
Although a gallows scene was filmed, we're cheated out of the actual execution.

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>we're cheated out of the actual execution.

Even so, it is a vivid and naturalistic treatment.

I would be interested to know what is being said in the courtroom scene...
Thanks for sharing the clip, glad it's finally available. Besides missing most of the execution, the struggling on the way there is pretty well made.
>I would be interested to know what is being said in the courtroom scene...

You and me both.
However, I had the DVD on pre-order while working with the online version.
Now that it's been shipped over I find the nice people in Czechia (?) have thoughtfully provided English subtitles.
So here's an amended copy of the clip for us two, and anyone else who's interested.

Thank you.

She deserved to be hanged, and she knew it. But she didn't like it...

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