majster kat
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Any information on the movie these pics were taken from? The look really interesting - would love to see the movie itself.
This is the movie:
But it seems hard to find.
Great - many thanks.
I have got it. There are two scenes: the unknown woman was beheaded and the second one instead of being executed at the last moment had got the choice between execution and marriage with headsman's assistant.
It is on youtube. But no subtitles.
Execution 1 is at 44:50
Execution 2 is at 1:13:30
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The first scene is the best.

An interesting and novel way to mitigate against the juddering convulsions of the body when the ae strikes - the assistant clinging on to her hand restraints with one foot almost casually placed on her back. I've never witnessed such a method before.

That said, the cut away from the actual bloody business of the beheading is rather disappointing.
There's an interesting non-execution scene starting at 0:12:15.
I spent an inordinate amount of time looking for a version with captions because I was curious about the storyline. I found a Chinese-simplified subtitle file (.srt) on Here's a link: A few agonizing steps later... (open in word, save as text...) Then I used Google translate, which allows you to upload a text file. Now I know what they were saying, though the twice translated file from Slovak to Chinese to English is a bit choppy and does not have noun-gender. (All the girls are him/he.) If someone wants it I could post it somewhere. Thanks.
The title is in Slovak "the craftman executioner" a man proud of being able to shut down with one strike giving a painless death. Ill try to figure out what is the story line

Apparently the plot refers to the 150-year Turkish occupation of the territories in today’s Slovakia began in 1530. The main character is Emil (the executioner). The movie starts with a false murder of Turkish Capitan which means to be attributed to local community the Pasha who is in charge does not believe this but uses the opportunity to have fun with the non-believers. Soon he gets a proposal of a ransom from the community in cash and med and three virgins a year ( a scene at around 12’’). Emil explains to Pasha that he got the axe and title of master executioner from his grandparent who blowed off the head of another Turkish Pasha at the order of the Pasha who replaced the condemned Pasha. Emil’s best friend is Richard who is in love with Milica a girl that was supposed to go to Pasha’s harem. Richard is the fisherman – he saves sons of Pasha from drowning and gets in exchange freedom for himself, Emil, Milica and the priest. Emil wants Milica to be his wife, he blackmails the conspirators (among them the priest whose niece is Milica) and marries her. Apparently the fisherman was a noble man before, the Pasha return to him the house that used belong to his parents and gives him a slavegirl (nice scene at 39”). The first execution at 44” is of a woman who poisoned her man. Milica is forced to go with Emil, as an old custom that executioner’s wife escorts her husband to execution (never heard of
Few years after Emil and Richard both loose their wives and are left with children Emil with the boy and Richard with the girl. When they grow up, Richard’s dotter kills a man in the tavern and is sentenced to death. Richard begs for her life but Emil can’t agree. However at the scaffold he refuses to cut her head and explains to the Tribunal that he cannot do that to a dotter of his best friend, instead he proposes three other executioners. The Tribunal asks condemned if she agrees to marry the one of the executioners and she agrees – it is Emil’s son. It ends in marriage. Emil’s son promises to quit the job. Unfortunately he kills his father for an attempt to rape his wife.

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