Une Femme dans La Révolution
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Hi All,
I've found some interesting pics and a short scene from a French tv miniseries titled Une Femme dans La Révolution.

Any chance someone's got a download or stream link for the full episodes?

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try this links
I skipped through part 2 last night and didn't see any actual beheading. I'll look at part 1 tonight and part 2 again just to be sure.
It would not be the first time in which stills of a movie to not relate to the actul content shown. I wonder how many scenes ended on the cutting floor.
I have finally seen both episodes and what a shame there is no actual execution scene in the show :( however the atmosphere of the film is quite exciting.
director: "let's spend thousands of dollars to procure a guillotine so we can put hay on it for a quick scene!"

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