gas chamber execution in novel
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My novel which I have completed after 27 years is ready on Amazon Kindle. It has a detailed execution of a woman in the gas chamber. Fir those interested I am posting the link. A print edition will be coming soon.
I just put it on my kindle :) haven't gotten far but do love the cover.
I'll let you in on something, there is more than one execution in this book.
Here is the cover
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>there is more than one execution in this book.

Are they all in the gas chamber?
Yes they are all 3 gas and all 3 female.
>Yes they are all 3 gas and all 3 female.

Very interesting...
More will be coming in time. The second book in the series is coming together as well as a similar book I started at the time I started the first.
I watched two gas chamber executions at San Quentin, unlike all the anti death penalty people's description, there was no smoke, no suffocation, or gasping, they just went to sleep. The only time there was a show that I know of was when a small robbery killer got loose and they had to go back in and restrap him. As they went back out and the door was closed and the wheels turning he started to get loose again and the assistant warden made a signal and the pellets were dropped. He had his right hand out and was using it to unstrap the left one when he suddenly looked up. closed his eyes and his chin fell onto his chest.
Clinton Duffy's, "88 Men and 2 Women," described the executions he saw as his time as a warden at San Quentin. Duffy was strongly against the death penalty but he felt that cyanide gas was the best method ever developed. After doing the research for my book, plus reading Duffy's writing, I came to the same conclusion.
The print edition will be ready in a few days. I will post the link when it goes live.
The print edition is ready. Here is the link.

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