Lady Killers (1980) - Lucky, Lucky Thirteen!
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This might be worth looking for:

The story of Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in Britain.
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The Edith Thompson episode of Ladykillers was pretty impressive (for without film execution scene) so this could have some potentials too I suppose.
Gonna be about $30USD to buy it, need more donations!
Confirmed no execution filmed, but I'll post some DR sets (for few other cases too from season 1)
Thank you! That's excellent.

(Do they show ANY hangings in this series? It seemed unlikely...)
5 hanging cases and none of them shown.
>5 hanging cases and none of them shown.

Well, that was predictable ;)

Still, I'm impressed with the views of the condemned cell. So far, so good...
Thank you for posting this.

In the final image of the series, she appears to be in the process of being pinioned.
Looks like it but you never see the back and she's still in her cell.
>Looks like it but you never see the back and she's still in her cell.

Of course. Even so, that would be a very intense piece of video.

She seem quite submissive, and resigned.
There is a similar series, 'A question of guilt' bny BBC, aired in 1980. I know for sure, sincs I found a page of recollections of the actor who played the hangman, that there is a hangings scene at the end of the Mary Blandy six episodes. I have never found any hint thast this series still exists in any form -it is one of my coldest cases-.

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