Roots S01E04
Forum Home > Public : General > Roots S01E04 attachment pending approval but will be worth the wait

these pics were worth waiting for i like them so much i love a pretty lady in pretty dress getting hanged perfect

if i ever see it online somewhere i will make a video of it and upload to my channel

If you've the patience to keep clicking through all the pop-ups etc
most of the links listed here seem to work
most of the links listed here seem to work

i would have to record whole episode as when i scan forward a pop up says buy membership or free trial as i dont live in america the site will not accept my card so might be worth it recording whole episode and editing it

yes we do have a video check the forum post by me

there is now a video that these pics are from uploaded to my channel check my topic post

thanks that video is from my own you tube channel

Forum > Public / General > Roots S01E04